
Python Script using the Package spotipy to add songs requested by Twitch viewers to the queue. This is possible by using Streamer.Bot

Primary LanguagePython

Spotify Twitch Bot Integration

Python Script using the Package spotipy to add songs requested by Twitch viewers to the queue. This is possible by using Streamer.Bot



  • Spotify Songrequests [with Spotify Premium only]
  • current Spotify Song
  • skip Spotify Song
  • previous Spotify Song
  • change Volume of Spotify

How to install

Clone the repository or download the ZIP and unzip it

Spotify Developer Application

  1. Create an App at the Spotify Developer Application
  2. Copy the client ID and the client secret from the application.
  3. In "edit Setting" add the redirect URI "http://localhost:8090" and click on save
  4. Duplicate the .env.example and name it .env
  5. Set in the .env file your client id and client secret of your Spotify application

Set up Python

  1. Install spotipy with pip: pip install spotipy
  2. Install dotenv with pip: pip install python-dotenv

Set up Streamer.Bot

  1. Copy the string of the streamerbotImportString File and import it into Streamer.Bot
  2. In the "Setup" Action you must set the path of the scripts folder of this repository
  3. In the "Input" Action you must set the path of the input.txt of this repository
  4. In the "Output" Action you must set the path of the output.txt of this repository
  5. Use the commands or create a custom reward

Now as soon as who use your command or redeems the reward and sends in a song name or Spotify link, this song should have been added to your queue.


I want to make this extremely clear, it is down to yourself to seek permission with the relevant providers (Spotify and Twitch) for more information and to determine whether you have the relevant licenses and/or permissions to play Spotify music on your stream. I accept no reliability or responsibility for any action either vendor may take, you do so at your own risk.