
Use Novation Launchpad

Primary LanguageArduino

Arduino implementation for the original Novation Launchpad. This is a hack and just a quick test, but atleast you will get it working. Fork it, enhance it!

requires: USBH_MIDI library https://github.com/YuuichiAkagawa/USBH_MIDI

requires: USBH_MIDI library https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0 USB Host Shield 2.0 for Arduino http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hot-USB-Host-Shield-2-0-Arduino-UNO-MEGA-ADK-Compatible-Google-Android-ADK-/191197207021?ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:GB:1120

Demo video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edH32WC8M08

Original Launchpad

Arduino Uno or Duemilanova or compatible