
reveal.js plugin that renders mathematical formulas using KaTeX

Primary LanguageJavaScript

math-katex Plugin

Build Status

A reveal.js plugin that renders mathematical formulas inside slides using KaTeX.

  • Lightweight rendering, thanks to KaTeX
  • Marks syntax errors on the slide
  • Renders all formulas when presentation loads (no re-rendering when slide changes)

Plugin setup

  1. Download the latest release (tar.gz or zip) and extract it into the plugin directory of your reveal.js presentation.

  2. Tell reveal.js to use the plugin:

        // … other configuration …
        dependencies: [
            { src: 'plugin/math-katex/math-katex.js', async: true }

A build of KaTeX is included with the plugin.


TL;DR: See the example.

There are two usage modes:

  1. TeX-style, wrapped in $…$ or $$…$$. Works in Markdown, too
  2. Wrapped in HTML elements with class formula or math. (Don’t also use dollar syntax when using a class.)

The rendered TeX-style formulas also get a class formula added so that you can style them. $…$ formulas in addition get class inline, $$…$$ class display.

TeX style (dollars)

  • Use $$…$$ for display-style (block) formulas: $$\frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}$$

  • Use $…$ for in-line formulas: e.g. $P(A \mid B)$

Escape literal dollar characters with \$.

As an alternative: If you have many slides that use literal dollar characters, it may be easier to explicitly activate formula rendering per slide: Set math.enableGlobally to false and then activate formula replacements on each slide (<section>) by setting the data-math attribute (no value required).

Wrapped in an element

Wrap the formula in an element with class formula (or math):

<div class="formula display"> \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}} </div>

Display mode is in-line by default, add class display if needed.

Exclude elements

You can exclude elements from formula rendering by:

  1. Adding the class math-ignored to an element or its (direct) parent
  2. Adding the element type to the math.ignoredElements array on the configuration object (default: pre, code)

Optional configuration

    // … presentation configuration …

    // `math-katex` plugin:

    // *Optional* configuration:
    math: {
        // Uncomment to disable syntax error notifications
        // notificationsEnabled: false   // default: true

        // Elements to ignore for math rendering (defaults shown):
        // ignoredElements: [ 'pre', 'code' ]

        // Set `enableGlobally` to `false` to avoid excessive
        // escaping of dollar characters. You will then need to
        // activate `$…$`-style replacements per slide with a
        // `data-math` attribute (formulas wrapped in elements
        // are still activated everywhere).
        // enableGlobally: false

        // In case you need to load KaTeX from a different
        // location (relative or absolute URL):
        // katexScript:     'path/to/katex/katex.min.js',
        // katexStylesheet: 'path/to/katex/katex.min.css'

    // Specify the plugin as a dependency:
    dependencies: [
        { src: 'plugin/math-katex/math-katex.js', async: true }


To run the example in your browser, clone or download this repository and install reveal.js using npm (Node.js required):

From the repository root directory: $ npm install reveal.js

If you don't have Node.js installed: Download reveal.js and copy it into a new directory named node_modules.


Run tests (requires Node.js): $ npm install && npm test

Tests use Mocha + Chai via mocha-phantomjs.