- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#104 opened by renovate - 12
Support gpt-4o
#95 opened by johannesCmayer - 1
install instruction
#97 opened by iconoclasthero - 1
- 6
- 2
Ollama support
#94 opened by broxdeez - 0
- 3
- 1
multi-instance mode
#92 opened by tennox - 3
bug report
#91 opened by jglwiz - 2
Request: input from stdin but also interactive
#90 opened by tennox - 5
GPT-4 doesn't seem to work
#87 opened by ersinakinci - 1
gemini API support
#86 opened by hrez - 7
Support for Azure OpenAI seems broken
#81 opened by mads-oestergaard - 4
error: error, unexpected end of JSON input
#73 opened by brucmao - 5
#32 opened by lw396 - 1
Add Support for the latest models.
#80 opened by ziova - 7
feat: custom keybindings
#78 opened by asdf8601 - 1
- 2
Windows WSL2 Support
#76 opened by surgiie - 1
command not found: chatgpt
#75 opened by laraconda - 3
error: unexpected EOF
#54 opened by Puuaru - 1
Why not a scroll bar?
#61 opened by SinisterSup - 2
Prompt Not Resetting when `-p` is used.
#65 opened by piercecohen1 - 3
#63 opened by moqsien - 0
feat: configuration modal
#60 opened by j178 - 0
feat: view mode
#59 opened by j178 - 2
Special characters not rendered
#62 opened by xilopaint - 0
support Azure OpenAI service
#57 opened by j178 - 18
- 8
- 0
bug: layout are messed up on Windows terminal
#52 opened by j178 - 4
support token calculation
#20 opened by j178 - 3
Paste to prompt taking too long
#45 opened by xerenahmed - 2
Use value of -p as the prompt if it can't be found as a key in the config (feature proposal)
#47 opened by bkis - 6
unexpected EOF
#44 opened by mayankdutta - 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
Create Homebrew Core formula
#34 opened by xilopaint - 1
- 1
error: Post "": tls: failed to verify
#28 opened by Sakurageng - 3
Export and save conversations
#26 opened by Yikai-Liao - 4
[Feature] GPT-4 support
#22 opened by xilopaint - 4
When the generated content is too long, it gets obscured, especially the code.
#27 opened by hardy4yooz - 4
add basic actions like Ctrl + Arrows
#16 opened by Goosegit11 - 1
- 10
bug: long text auto wrap in viewport
#9 opened by j178 - 0
use lipgloss.JoinVertical
#13 opened by j178 - 3
error: EOF
#10 opened by Goosegit11