A simple web server to provide an overview of volunteers working in upcoming services who have been scheduled using Elvanto.
You'll need access to a superuser account on Elvanto. Register an application as detailed https://www.elvanto.com/api/getting-started/#oauth, taking note of the client id and secret. You'll need to set your redirect uri to https://YOUR_DOMAIN/login/complete.
The Docker image can be pulled from j18e/elvanto-overview:latest
. When running
you'll need to set a number of environment variables, taken from the Elvanto
Additional required environment variables:
- DATA_FILE is the path to the file you want the bolt database to be stored in. This database contains all user token pairs so the app can remember returning users and use their tokens for fetching data from Elvanto.
- ELVANTO_DOMAIN is the domain you access your Elvanto site on, eg gracefellowship.elvanto.eu.
Once it's running you should be able to use it by visiting the external URL you've set up eg https://my-site.com/.