Port of the Python's slumber library in Node.js -- A library that makes consuming a RESTful API easier and more convenient
Node's Slumber is a Node.js library that provides convenient yet powerful object-oriented interface to RESTful APIs. It acts as a wrapper around the excellent request library and abstracts away the handling of URLs, serialization, and request processing.
Install Node's Slumber
$ npm install slumber
Use Node's Slumber
slumber = require 'slumber'
# Connect to http://slumber.in/api/v1/ with the Basic Auth user/password of demo/demo
api = slumber.API 'http://slumber.in/api/v1/', { auth: ['demo', 'demo'] }, ->
# GET http://slumber.in/api/v1/note/
# Note: Any kwargs passed to get(), post(), put(), delete() will be used as url parameters
# POST http://slumber.in/api/v1/note/
new_post = api('note').post({'title': 'My Test Note', 'content': 'This is the content of my Test Note!'})
# PUT http://slumber.in/api/v1/note/{id}/
api('note')(new_post['id']).put({'content': 'I just changed the content of my Test Note!'})
# PATCH http://slumber.in/api/v1/note/{id}/
api('note')(new_post['id']).patch({'content': 'Wat!'})
# GET http://slumber.in/api/v1/note/{id}/
# DELETE http://slumber.in/api/v1/note/{id}/
api('resource').get {username: "example", api_key: "1639eb74e86717f410c640d2712557aac0e989c8"}
# GET http://slumber.in/api/v1/note/?title__startswith=Bacon
- Node.js >= v0.10
- Browse examples in CoffeeScript and Javascript