
Unity ads plugin for Godot using the new Android export template customization

Primary LanguageJava

Unity ads for godot using new export template system

Current version of the unityadsgodot-release.aar is available for download under Releases


The new export templates for android was introduced in Godot 3.2.2. So Godot 3.2.2 and up is required


  • In Godot open up the Android export template settings by going to Project -> Export.
    • Select Android and enable costom build.
    • Instal custom android build template.
  • Download UnityAds Android library from here
  • Open up the Godots projects android folder and create a folder called plugins if it isn't there.
  • Place the unityadsgodot-release.aar inside the freshly created plugins folder along with unity-ads.aar and UnityAdsGodot.gdap.
  • The min SDK version will need a update so open up the android\build\config.gradle and update minSdkVersion to 26
  • Last thing is to enable this plugin under Project -> Export -> Android -> Plugins and check the checkbox besides Unity Ads Godot


Usage example is availible in AdsExampleProject in this repository but basically the code below sums it up

var addsEngine = null

# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
	if Engine.has_singleton("UnityAdsGodot"):
		addsEngine = Engine.get_singleton("UnityAdsGodot")
		addsEngine.connect("UnityAdsReady", self, "_on_adsReady")
		addsEngine.connect("UnityAdsFinish", self, "_on_adsFinished")
		addsEngine.connect("UnityAdsError", self, "_on_adsError")
		addsEngine.connect("UnityBannerLoaded", self, "_on_bannerLoaded")
		addsEngine.connect("UnityBannerError", self, "_on_bannerError")
		addsEngine.initialise("1687685", false) # project id and TestMode enabled
		print("Couldn't find HelloSignals singleton")

func _on_adsReady():
	print("video adds should be ready.")
func _on_adsFinished(placement, reason):
	reason = int(reason)
	if reason == 2:
	elif reason == 1:
		print("User skiped ad")
		print("Something went wrong")

func _on_adsError(reasonString):
func _on_bannerLoaded():
	print("Banner loaded")
func _on_bannerError(reasonString):

func _on_VideoAd_pressed():
	if addsEngine != null:
		while !addsEngine.isReady("video"):
			pass # There should be another way to do this!

func _on_RewardedVideo_pressed():
	if addsEngine != null:
		while !addsEngine.isReady("rewardedVideo"):
			pass # There should be another way to do this!

func _on_BannerAd_pressed():
	if addsEngine != null:

Compiling from source

  • Clone out this repo
  • Download UnityAds Android library from here and place it inside unityadsgodot\libs folder
  • Download corresponding version of godot-lib.3.2.2.stable.release or godot-lib.3.2.2.stable.mono.release from here and place it again in unityadsgodot\libs folder
  • Open the project in android studio and run gradlew build from terminal to build the aar libs
  • Build results should be located inside unityadsgodot\build\outputs\aar
  • Build output (that includes plugin description file and unityadsgodot-release.aar) can be copied to Godot projects android\plugins alongside dependencies


  • Improve documentation
  • Code cleanup
  • Project cleanup
  • Banner ads are not working and seems that api is deprecated. Need to investigate that
  • Improve setup (possibly create a script for that)
  • Update error code reporting to GDScript

Known issues

  • Placement id always needs to be present for some reason
  • Banners are not working. Something about UnityAds: com.unity3d.services.core.api.Sdk.logError() (line:70) :: No fill for placement banners internet says that it is normal?