
Transform svg files to json notation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple tool to transform svg files and Strings into Object or JSON.

Useful to manipulate SVG with js, to store in noSQL databses.

Build Status

Take a look to svgson-next for new versions and experiments.

How to use

$ [sudo] npm install -g svgson
$ svgson [options] <keywords>


    -h, --help             output usage information
    -V, --version          output the version number
    -i, --input [input]    Specifies input folder or file.
                           Default current folder
    -o, --output [output]  Specifies output file. Default ./svgson.json
    -t, --title            Add title from svg filename
    -P, --prefix <prefix>  Remove prefix from title
    -S, --suffix <suffix>  Remove suffix from title
    -k, --key [key]        Specifies a key where include all paths
    -a, --attrs <attrs>    Custom Attributes: key=value, key=value...
    -p, --pretty           Prettyfied JSON
    -s, --svgo             Optimize SVG with SVGO


  • input current folder | output svgson.json file

    $ svgson
  • input /svgs folder | output my-svgs.json file

    $ svgson --input svgs --output my-svgs.json
  • input myfile.svg file | output my-file.json file

    $ svgson -i myfile.svg -o my-file.json
  • Complex example

    • input /svgs folder
    • output svgson.json file
    • adds title from each file and removes icon- prefix
    • prettifies JSON output
    • group all paths into the key myPaths
    • adds { author: me, foo: bar } custom attributes per file
    • optimize output with svgo
    $ svgson -i ./svgs --title --prefix icon- --pretty --key myPaths --svgo --attrs author=me,foo=bar

Use as Node Module

$ npm i --save svgson
const svgson = require('svgson')

// From .svg file
const fs = require('fs')
fs.readFile('myfile.svg', 'utf-8', function(err, data) {
      svgo: true,
      title: 'myFile',
      pathsKey: 'myPaths',
      customAttrs: {
        foo: true,
    function(result) {

// From svg String
const SVG =
  '<svg width="100" height="100"><circle r="15" stroke-linecap="round" /></svg>'
svgson(SVG, {}, result => console.log(result))

Use in Browser

$ npm run bundle


$ browserify ./lib/svgson.js --standalone svgson -o svgson-bundle.js

then in html file

  <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" id="mySVG">
  	<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="48" stroke="red" stroke-width="4"/>
  <script src="svgson-bundle.js"></script>
    svgson(document.querySelector('#mySVG').outerHTML, {
      title: 'mySVG',
      pathsKey: 'paths',
      customAttrs: {
        a: 123,
        foo: true,
        bar: 'baz'
    }, function(result) {


npm test


MIT © Lionel T