
Investigating if Moo class can override attribute inherited from Moose class

Primary LanguageRaku


According to the Moo docs for has I should be able to override an inherited attribute like so:

has '+attribute_name' => ( ... );

However when I define a Moo class:

# lib/MooClass.pm
package MooClass;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw< StrMatch >;
extends qw< MooseClass >;
has '+endpoint' => ( isa => StrMatch[ qr{^https?://.+pwc.com/?$} ] );

To inherit from a Moose class:

# lib/MooseClass.pm
package MooseClass;
use Moose;
use Types::Standard qw< Str >;
has endpoint => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, required => 1 );

And try to instantiate it:

# t/moo-inherit-moose-attribute.t
use Test2::V0 -target => 'MooClass';

subtest 'A Moo class inheriting from a Moose class' => sub {
    ok( lives { $CLASS->new( endpoint => 'https://dev-pwc.com' ) },
        'should override the attribute via "+attribute_name"'
    ) || diag $@;


I get the following error:

has '+endpoint' given but no endpoint attribute already exists at lib/MooClass.pm line 6.

Is it not possible for Moo to inherit Moose classes in this way?