- Any Linux Distributions (Ubuntu is Recommended)
- can-utils
- ICSim - Car Simulation
can-utils is a Linux specific set of utilities that enables Linux to communicate with the CAN network on the vehicle. The canutils consist of 5 main tools that we use very frequently:
- cansniffer for sniffing the packets
- cansend for writing a packet candump dump all received packets
- canplayer to replay CAN packets
- cangen to generate random CAN packets
- can-utils can be installed via apt-get
sudo apt-get install can-utils -y
- Installation of CANghost :
git clone https://github.com/SouravSec/CANghost
- Usage:
cd CANghost/
bash canghost.sh <interface> <logfilename>
Example- bash canghost.sh vcan0 demolog
Note: First Install & Run ICSim then run canghost.sh
- Preparing the Virtual CAN Network:
Running the Simulator:
- Running the dashboard
ubuntu@sourav:~/ICSim$./icsim vcan0
- Control Panel can be started by
ubuntu@sourav:~/ICSim$./controls vcan0
- Now Start the CANghost:
ubuntu@sourav:~/CANghost$./canghost.sh vcan0 mylog
Click Here to Watch Tutorials on Youtube
I made this tool to automate the process and save my time while hacking or practicing. The script first dump all the CAN packets in Capture option and Replay that packets(logfile) into Car in Replay option. Don't play with Real car, I always recommend to use on Simulator. I made this tool for learning & personal purpose, If you want to do it manually then you can check code source to understand how it works...
Thanks to @zombieCraig for ICSim