Sparta Node Sample App


This app is intended for use with the Sparta Global Devops Stream as a sample app. You can clone the repo and use it as is but no changes will be accepted on this branch.

To use the repo within your course you should fork it.

The app is a node app with three pages.



Displays a simple homepage displaying a Sparta logo and message. This page should return a 200 response.



This page displays a logo and 100 randomly generated blog posts. The posts are generated during the seeding step.

This page and the seeding is only accessible when a database is available and the DB_HOST environment variable has been set with it's location.

A fibonacci number generator


This page has be implemented poorly on purpose to produce a slow running function. This can be used for performance testing and crash recovery testing.

The higher the fibonacci number requested the longer the request will take. A very large number can crash or block the process.

Hackable code


There is a commented route that opens a serious security vulnerability. This should only be enabled when looking at user security and then disabled immediately afterwards


Clone the app

npm install
npm start

You can then access the app on port 3000 at one of the urls given above.


There is a basic test framework available that uses the Mocha/Chai framework

npm test

The test for posts will fail ( as expected ) if the database has not been correctly setup.

Testing Webhooks

  • test1
  • test2
  • test3
  • test4