Content preview for Kotti.
To activate the kotti_contentpreview
add-on in your Kotti site, you need to
add an entry to the kotti.configurators
setting in your Paste
Deploy config. If you don't have a kotti.configurators
add one. kotti_contentpreview
depends on kotti_settings, so you have to
add also an entry for this add-on.
The line in your [app:main]
(or [app:kotti]
, depending on how
you setup Fanstatic) section could then look like this:
kotti.configurators =
After activation you get a popover with the content of the content type when you hover over a title in the @@contents view. You can adjust settings for the view that should be called, the size of the popup window and the delay of showing and hiding of the window on the settings page. Point your browser to http://your.domain/@@settings to get to the settingspage or use the submenupoint of 'Site Setup'.