ORMLite JDBC functionality that works with JDBC drivers to attach to various database types
- 6
Statement getGeneratedKeys
#82 opened by bosborn - 0
- 1
- 7
Compatibility with Java 9.
#31 opened by angelelectrico - 1
Support for SQL query index hints.
#80 opened by pezi - 4
- 0
- 0
[MariaDbDatabaseType] isCreateIndexIfNotExistsSupported returns false although the feature is supported
#71 opened by BluemediaDev - 3
@DatabaseField(foreign = true) doesn't generate foreign key constraints
#65 opened by RichardForsey89 - 1
`DATABASE_URL == null` should throw an exception
#42 opened by anwa17 - 4
Oracle support
#25 opened by smil2k - 1
- 1
- 4
Update not null columns
#49 opened by dujianchi - 4
Ormlite 4.48 + MySQL Connector 6.0.2
#18 opened by fromgate - 1
Duplicate package names in core and jdbc jars
#45 opened by janrosseel - 3
- 5
Asynchronous JDBC
#43 opened by noordawod - 6
- 0
The ODBC database type should be deprecated/removed
#38 opened by Bo98 - 9
boolean doesn't work in Oracle
#2 opened by 51mon - 0
SQLCipher in Ormlite SQLITE DB JDBC
#35 opened by swapnilnandgave08 - 2
Nested transactions don't work
#19 opened by maroux - 2
Logging with java.util.logger
#22 opened by juehv - 5
Column Sizes Shrinking
#27 opened by kmccmk9 - 8
- 1
- 14
ResultSet closed exception
#10 opened by confuser - 2
Get all open connections to DB
#16 opened by benedekh - 3
How save collection of interger
#13 opened by shanuka - 1
Truncate is supported in SQL Server
#9 opened by wrose504 - 1
Pom properties
#14 opened by danielbarela - 1
- 2