
A modern replacement for ps written in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


procs is a replacement for ps written in Rust.

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  • Output by the colored and human-readable format
  • Keyword search over multi-column
  • Some additional information which are not supported by ps
    • TCP/UDP port
    • Read/Write throughput
    • Docker container name
    • More memory information
  • Pager support
  • Watch mode like top
  • Tree view


  • Linux is supported.
  • macOS is experimentally supported.
    • macOS version is checked on Travis CI environment only.
    • The issues caused by real-machine are welcome.
  • Windows is experimentally supported.
    • pager is not supported


Download binary

Download from release page, and extract to the directory in PATH.


You can install from Nixpkgs

nix-env --install procs


You can install from snapcraft

sudo snap install procs


You can install from homebrew

brew install procs

Alpine Linux

You can install from Apline Linux repository

The correct repository (see above link for the most up-to-date information) should be enabled before apk add.

sudo apk add procs


You can install by scoop

scoop install procs


sudo dnf install procs


You can install by rpm command.

sudo rpm -i https://github.com/dalance/procs/releases/download/v0.9.20/procs-0.9.20-1.x86_64.rpm


You can install by cargo.

cargo install procs

Installation Notes

Permission issue

On macOS, normal user can't access all process information of other users. On Linux, normal user can't access some information (ex. Read/Write throughput) of other users.

If you want to show all information, you should use sudo.

$ sudo procs
[sudo] password for ...:

If you want to skip password input, you can add the following entry to /etc/sudoers.

[user or group] ALL= NOPASSWD: [procs binary path]
// ex. myuser ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/procs

less setting

On some environments, less can't show UTF-8 charactors with default setting. In this case, the following environment variable may resolve it.

export LESSCHARSET=utf-8

The detail of the issue is #21.


Show all processes

Type procs only. It shows the information of all processes.

$ procs


Search by non-numeric keyword

If you add any keyword as argument, it is matched to USER, Command, Docker by default.

$ procs zsh


Search by numeric keyword

If a numeric is used as the keyword, it is matched to PID, TCP, UDP by default. Numeric is treated as exact match, and non-numeric is treated as partial match by default.

$ procs --or 6000 60000 60001 16723


Note that procfs permissions only allow identifying listening ports for processes owned by the current user, so not all ports will show up unless run as root.

Logical operation of search keywords

If there are some keywords, logical operation between the keywords can be specified by commandline option.

  • --and : The processes to match with all keywords are shown.
  • --or : The processes to match with any keyword are shown.
  • --nand: The processes are shown unless these match with all keywords.
  • --nor : The processes are shown unless these match with any keyword.

The default operation can be specified in the configuration file. See [search] section.

Show Docker container name

If you have access permission to docker daemon ( unix:///var/run/docker.sock ), Docker column is added.

$ procs growi


Note that procs gets the container information through UNIX domain socket, so Docker Toolbox on macOS ( doesn't use UNIX domain socket ) is not supported. Docker Desktop for Mac is supported but not tested.


If output lines exceed terminal height, pager is used automatically. This behavior and pager command can be specified by configuration file.

Watch mode

If --watch or --watch-interval <second> option is used, procs automatically updates output like top. If --watch is used, the update interval becomes 1s. The update interval can be specified by the argument of --watch-interval. There are some keyboard shortcuts to control.

  • n: Change the sort column to the next column
  • p: Change the sort column to the previous column
  • a: Change the sort order to ascending
  • d: Change the sort order to descending
  • q: Quit

Tree view

If --tree option is used, processes are sorted by dependency order and dependency tree is shown at left side.

$ procs --tree


Sort column

Column sort order can be changed by --sorta or --sortd option. The last charactor of --sorta and --sortd means sort order: "a"scending and "d"escending.

The column for sort is selected by the option keyword. The keyword is matched with column kind that is shonw by --list option. If --sorta cputime, column is sorted by CpuTime with ascending order. If --sortd rss, column is sorted by VmRss with decending order. The keyword is matched partially and case is ignored.

The default sort is specified by [sort] section in the configuration file.

$ procs --sortd cpu


Insert column

--insert option inserts new column to the position of Slot column. The column for insert is selected by the option keyword. The keyword is the same as sort option. A Slot column can be used by a inserted column. If many insertion is required, many Slot should be added. Unused Slot is not shown.


You can change configuration by writing a configuration file, like below.

The location of the configuration file is OS-specific:

  • Linux: ~/.config/procs/config.toml
  • macOS: ~/Library/Preferences/com.github.dalance.procs/config.toml
  • Windows: ~/AppData/Roaming/dalance/procs/config.toml

For compatibility, if ~/.procs.toml exists, it will be preferred to the OS-specific locations.

The complete example of a configuration file can be generated by --config option.

kind = "Pid"
style = "BrightYellow"
numeric_search = true
nonnumeric_search = false

kind = "Username"
style = "BrightGreen"
numeric_search = false
nonnumeric_search = true
align = "Right"

header = "BrightWhite"
unit = "BrightWhite"
tree = "BrightWhite"

color_000 = "BrightBlue"
color_025 = "BrightGreen"
color_050 = "BrightYellow"
color_075 = "BrightRed"
color_100 = "BrightRed"

color_d = "BrightRed"
color_r = "BrightGreen"
color_s = "BrightBlue"
color_t = "BrightCyan"
color_z = "BrightMagenta"
color_x = "BrightMagenta"
color_k = "BrightYellow"
color_w = "BrightYellow"
color_p = "BrightYellow"

color_k = "BrightBlue"
color_m = "BrightGreen"
color_g = "BrightYellow"
color_t = "BrightRed"
color_p = "BrightRed"
color_x = "BrightBlue"

numeric_search = "Exact"
nonnumeric_search = "Partial"
logic = "And"

show_self = false
cut_to_terminal = true
cut_to_pager = false
cut_to_pipe = false
color_mode = "Auto"

column = 0
order = "Ascending"

path = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"

mode = "Auto"

[[columns]] section

[[columns]] section defines which columns are used. The first [[columns]] is shown at left side, and the last is shown at right side.

Key Value Default Description
kind See kind list Column type
style See style list Column style
numeric_search true, false false Whether the column can be matched with numeric keywords
nonnumeric_search true, false false Whether the column can be matched with non-numeric keywords
align Left, Right, Center Left Text alignment
max_width [Number] Maximum column width
min_width [Number] Minimum column width

kind list

procs kind ps STANDARD FORMAT Description Linux macOS Windows
Command args Command with all arguments o o o
ContextSw -not supported- Context switch count o o
CpuTime cputime Cumulative CPU time o o o
Docker -not supported- Docker container name o o
Eip eip Instruction pointer o
Esp esp Stack pointer o
Gid egid Group ID o o o
GidFs fgid File system group ID o
GidReal rgid Real group ID o o
GidSaved sgid Saved group ID o o
Group egroup Group name o o o
GroupFs fgroup File system group name o
GroupReal rgroup Real group name o o
GroupSaved sgroup Saved group name o o
MajFlt maj_flt Major page fault count o o o
MinFlt min_flt Minor page fault count o o
Nice ni Nice value o o
Pid pid Process ID o o o
Policy policy Scheduling policy o o
Ppid ppid Parent process ID o o o
Priority pri Priority o o o
Processor psr Currently assigned processor o
ReadBytes -not supported- Read bytes from storage o o o
RtPriority rtprio Real-time priority o
Separator -not supported- Show | for column separation o o o
ShdPnd pending Pending signal mask for process o
Slot -not supported- Slot for --insert option o o o
SigBlk blocked Blocked signal mask o
SigCgt caught Caught signal mask o
SigIgn ignored Ignored signal mask o
SigPnd pending Pending signal mask for thread o
Ssb -not supported- Speculative store bypass status o
StartTime start_time Starting time o o o
State s Process state o o
TcpPort -not supported- Bound TCP ports o o
Threads nlwp Thread count o o
Tty tty Controlling TTY o o
UdpPort -not supported- Bound UDP ports o o
Uid euid User ID o o o
UidFs fuid File system user ID o
UidLogin -not supported- Login user ID o
UidReal ruid Real user ID o o
UidSaved suid Saved user ID o o
UsageCpu %cpu CPU utilization o o o
UsageMem %mem Memory utilization o o o
User euser User name o o o
UserFs fuser File system user name o
UserLogin -not supported- Login user name o
UserReal ruser Real user name o o
UserSaved suser Saved user name o o
VmData -not supported- Data size o
VmExe trs Text segments size o
VmHwm -not supported- Peak resident set size o o
VmLib -not supported- Library code size o
VmLock -not supported- Locked memory size o
VmPeak -not supported- Peak virtual memory size o o
VmPin -not supported- Pinned memory size o o
VmPte -not supported- Page table entries size o
VmRss rss Resident set size o o o
VmSize vsz Physical page size o o o
VmStack -not supported- Stack size o
VmSwap -not supported- Swapped-out virtual memory size o o
Wchan wchan Process sleeping kernel function o
WriteByte -not supported- Write bytes to storage o o o

style list

  • BrightBlack
  • BrightRed
  • BrightGreen
  • BrightYellow
  • BrightBlue
  • BrightMagenta
  • BrightCyan
  • BrightWhite
  • Black
  • Red
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • Magenta
  • Cyan
  • White
  • ByPercentage
  • ByState
  • ByUnit

There are some special styles like ByPercentage, ByState, ByUnit. These are the styles for value-aware coloring. For example, if ByUnit is choosen, color can be specified for each unit of value ( like K, M, G,,, ). The colors can be configured in [style.by_unit] section.

[style] section

[style] section defines colors of header, unit and each styles. The available list of color is below.

Subsection Key Value Default Description
header See color list BrightWhite Header color
unit See color list BrightWhite Unit color
tree See color list BrightWhite Tree color
by_percentage color_000 See color list BrightBlue Color at 0% - 25%
by_percentage color_025 See color list BrightGreen Color at 25% - 50%
by_percentage color_050 See color list BrightYellow Color at 50% - 75%
by_percentage color_075 See color list BrightRed Color at 75% - 100%
by_percentage color_100 See color list BrightRed Color at 100% -
by_state color_d See color list BrightRed Color at D state
by_state color_r See color list BrightGreen Color at R state
by_state color_s See color list BrightBlue Color at S state
by_state color_t See color list BrightCyan Color at T state
by_state color_z See color list BrightMagenta Color at Z state
by_state color_x See color list BrightMagenta Color at X state
by_state color_k See color list BrightYellow Color at K state
by_state color_w See color list BrightYellow Color at W state
by_state color_p See color list BrightYellow Color at P state
by_unit color_k See color list BrightBlue Color at unit K
by_unit color_m See color list BrightGreen Color at unit M
by_unit color_g See color list BrightYellow Color at unit G
by_unit color_t See color list BrightRed Color at unit T
by_unit color_p See color list BrightRed Color at unit P
by_unit color_x See color list BrightBlue Color at other unit

color list

  • BrightBlack
  • BrightRed
  • BrightGreen
  • BrightYellow
  • BrightBlue
  • BrightMagenta
  • BrightCyan
  • BrightWhite
  • Black
  • Red
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • Magenta
  • Cyan
  • White

[search] section

[search] section defines option for Keyword search.

Key Value Default Description
numeric_search Exact, Partial Exact Whether numeric keywords match exactly or partially
nonnumeric_search Exact, Partial Partial Whether non-numeric keywords match exactly or partially
logic And, Or, Nand, Nor And Logical operation between keywords

[display] section

[display] section defines option for output display.

Key Value Default Description
show_self true, false false Whether the self process ( procs ) is shown
cut_to_terminal true, false true Whether output lines are truncated for output into terminal
cut_to_pager true, false false Whether output lines are truncated for output into pager
cut_to_pipe true, false false Whether output lines are truncated for output into pipe
color_mode Auto, Always, Disable Auto The default behavior of output coloring without --color commandline option
separator [String] String used as Separator
ascending [String] Ascending sort indicator
descending [String] Descending sort indicator
tree_symbols [String; 5] [│, ─, ┬, ├, └] Symbols used by tree view
abbr_sid true, false true Whether machine SID is abbreviated ( windows only )

If color_mode is Auto, color is enabled for terminal and pager, disabled for pipe.


Windows SID is too long, so it is abbreviated by default. If abbr_sid is false, SID is fully shown like below:


If abbr_sid is true, SID is shown like below:


[sort] section

[sort] section defines the column used for sort and sort order.

Key Value Default Description
column [Number] 0 Column number to used for sort
order Ascending, Descending Ascending Sort order

If column is 0, value is sorted by the left column.

[docker] section

[docker] section defines how to communicate to docker daemon.

Key Value Default Description
path [Path] unix:///var/run/docker.sock UNIX domain socket to docker daemon

[pager] section

[pager] section defines the behavior of pager.

Key Value Default Description
mode Auto, Always, Disable Auto The default behavior of pager usage without --pager commandline option
command [Command] less -SR Pager command

If mode is Auto, pager is used only when output lines exceed terminal height. Default pager is less -SR ( if less is not found, more -f ).