An application that glibly searches for RH counterexamples, while also teaching software engineering principles.
Blog posts:
- Setting up Pytest
- Adding a Database
- Search Strategies
- Unbounded Integers
- Deploying with Docker
- Performance Profiling
- Scaling Up
- Productionizing
- Exploring data
Requires Python 3.7 and
On Mac OS X these can be installed via brew as follows
brew install gmp mpfr libmpc postgresql
Or using apt
apt install -y libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev postgresql-12
Then, in a virtualenv,
pip install -r requrements.txt
For postgres, create a new database cluster and start the server.
initdb --locale=C -E UTF-8 /usr/local/var/postgres
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /tmp/logfile start
Then create a database like
WITH OWNER = jeremy; -- or whatever your username is
Then install the pgmp extension using pgxn
sudo pip install pgxnclient
pgxn install pgmp
pgxn load -d divisor pgmp
Note you may need to add the location of gmp.h
so that the build step for pgmp
can find it.
This appears to be a problem mostly on Mac OSX.
See dvarrazzo/pgmp#4 if you run into issues.
# your version may be different than 6.2.0. Find it by running
# brew info gmp
export C_INCLUDE_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/gmp/6.2.0/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH"
In this case, you may also want to build pgmp from source,
git clone && cd pgmp
sudo make install
Run some combination of the following three worker jobs
python -m riemann.generate_search_blocks
python -m riemann.process_search_blocks
python -m riemann.cleanup_stale_blocks
Running with docker removes the need to install postgres and dependencies.
docker build -t divisordb -f docker/divisordb.Dockerfile .
docker build -t generate -f docker/generate.Dockerfile .
docker build -t process -f docker/process.Dockerfile .
docker build -t cleanup -f docker/cleanup.Dockerfile .
docker volume create pgdata
docker run -d --name divisordb -p 5432:5432 -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data divisordb:latest
export PGHOST=$(docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" divisordb)
docker run -d --name generate --env PGHOST="$PGHOST" generate:latest
docker run -d --name cleanup --env PGHOST="$PGHOST" cleanup:latest
docker run -d --name process --env PGHOST="$PGHOST" process:latest
After the divisordb
container is up, you can test whether it's working by
pg_isready -d divisor -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -U docker
or by going into the container and checking the database manually
$ docker exec -it divisordb /bin/bash
# now inside the container
$ psql
divisor=# \d # \d is postgres for 'describe tables'
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | riemanndivisorsums | table | docker
public | searchmetadata | table | docker
(2 rows)
# install docker, see
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
# log out and log back in
git clone && cd riemann-divisor-sum
Fill out the environment variables from .env.template
in .env
then run python
This will only work if the application has been set up initially (docker installed and the repository cloned).
sudo apt install -y python3-pip ssmtp
pip3 install -r alerts/requirements.txt
sudo -E alerts/
nohup python3 -m alerts.monitor_docker &
python -m riemann.export_for_plotting --data_source_name='dbname=divisor' --divisor_sums_filepath=divisor_sums.csv
# sort the csv by log_n using gnu sort
sort -t , -n -k 1 divisor_sums.csv -o divisor_sums_sorted.csv
# convert to hdf5
python -c "import vaex; vaex.from_csv('divisor_sums.csv', convert=True, chunk_size=5_000_000)"
python -m plot.plot_divisor_sums --divisor_sums_hdf5_path=divisor_sums.hdf5