Part 1: Hand Detection
- difference the frame using the average - *** JASON ***
- skin color detection in only middle section - *** JASON ***
- find three largest blob - *** JASON ***
- choose the two blobs to the left and put a bounding box around the blobs in each frame - *** JASON ***
Part 2: Tracking bats
- filter (state estimation) (kalman - extra credit or alpha beta) - *** KEN ***
- Data association - bipartite matching or multiple hypothesis tracking (second is more impressive) - *** JAMIE ***
- visualiztion (draw track of bats) (video for web page) - *** JASON ***
Part 3: cell tracking
- cell detection - detect the position - *** JAMIE ***
- use P2(1) and P2(2) for tracking --- (SAME AS Part 2)
- visualization (make a video) - *** JASON ***
Part 4: Web page
- problem set up - *** JAMIE ***
- results - *** KEN/JASON ***
- conclusion - *** JAMIE ***