FakerAndroid (中文文档)
A tool translate apk file to standard android project and support so hook and include il2cpp c++ scaffolding when apk is a il2cpp game apk
- The Apk file can be directly converted into Android project for secondary development, supporting so hook. For the game of il2cpp, APK directly generates il2cpp C++ scaffolding
- What's more to say about transforming the painful reverse environment into a comfortable development environment, saying goodbye to assembly and binary~
- Stantard AndroidStudio android project generated
- Original java class usage or cover it by compileable java code
- Hook Api offered for hooking .so method
- When apk is a il2cpp game il2cpp c++ scaffoding generated
- Back compilation voluntary when there is a modification of smali files(AndroidStudio project file tree model)
- Code hints base original java api
- Debug in code base original java api
- Unlimited possibilities and expansibility. You has the final say
- Java
- Il2cpp Game Apk unable to generate il2cpp C++ scaffolding for non windows
- Download FakerAndroid.jar(2020/10/28/17:14:00)
- cmd
cd <FakerAndroid.jar base dir>
- cmd
java -jar FakerAndroid.jar fk <apkpath>
(project will be generated in the same dir of the orininal apk) orjava -jar FakerAndroid.jar fk <apkpath> -o <outdir>
- Demo
java -jar FakerAndroid.jar fk D:\apk\test.apk
orjava -jar FakerAndroid.jar fk D:\apk\test.apk -o D:\test
- By Android studio File->open->
<generated project root>
- keep the root dir build.gradle file depends com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.4.0,don't upgrate or modify it
- Set project ndk base version 21 best
- A little modification will be needed by yourself when the res or AndroidManifest.xml can't pass the compiler
- With a testing machine conected
- Run(Note:reason of dex cache,when there have a smali file modification you should make a uninstallation of before installation before run it )
- Original java class call
With the help of javaScaffoding write your java code to call original class in app moudle(app/src/main/java) - Original java class replacement
Write java code in moudle app(app/src/main/java),keep the class name and package name corresponding same as the original class - So Hook
With the help of fakeCpp api use jni hook the so method - Il2cpp unity script development
With the help of il2cpp Scaffolding and fakeCpp api,use jni have a modification of il2cpp game script