
Stack Exchange for Urbit

Primary LanguagehoonMIT LicenseMIT


%quorum is a choral explanations application for Urbit which enables users to host and join question-and-answer boards on the Urbit network. The application is implemented with a standard Gall agent back-end and a React/Tailwind CSS front-end.


%quorum demo


Grid GUI (Recommended)

Within your Urbit ship's web interface, navigate to the home screen (i.e. /apps/grid/) and do the following:

  1. In the search bar, type in: ~dister-dister-sidnym-ladrut.
  2. Click on ~sidnym^ladrut. img
  3. Under apps distributed by ~sidnym^ladrut, click on 'Quorum.' img
  4. Press the 'Get App' button. After installation, the app tile should appear.

Dojo CLI

Within your Urbit ship's command-line interface, enter the following command(s):

> |install ~dister-dister-sidnym-ladrut %quorum


For development, we recommend creating a fake ~zod and deploying the repo's /desk subdirectory to this ship's %quorum desk. We reference the following paths in the workflows below:

$ export QUORUM_UI=/path/to/quorum/ui/
$ export QUORUM_DESK=/path/to/quorum/desk/
$ export FAKEZOD_DESK=/path/to/zod/quorum/

First-time Setup

The following commands should be executed after each fresh clone of the project to set up the Vite and the UI development environment:

$ npm install
$ echo "VITE_SHIP_URL=" >> .env.local

Subsequently, run the following commands to create a new fake ~zod and create a container desk %quorum:

$ cd $FAKEZOD_DESK/../../
$ urbit -F zod
> |new-desk %quorum
> |mount %quorum
$ rm -rI $FAKEZOD_DESK/*
$ rsync -uLrvP ./ $FAKEZOD_DESK/
> |commit %quorum
> |install our %quorum

Development Workflows

Back-end Workflows

In order to test back-end code changes, run the following commands:

> |nuke %quorum-agent
$ rsync -uLrvP ./ $FAKEZOD_DESK/
> |commit %quorum
> |revive %quorum

Front-end Workflows

In order to test front-end code changes, run the following commands (these only need to be run once per development session; Vite hot swaps assets when changes are saved):

$ npm run dev

Also, be sure to authenticate via both the NPM web portal (default: localhost:3000) and the development ship's web portal (fake ~zod default: localhost:8080).

Deployment Workflow

In order to test the web package deployment process for the current front-end build, run the following commands:

$ npm run build
$ rsync -avL --delete ./dist/ $FAKEZOD_DESK/quorum/
> |commit %quorum
> -garden!make-glob %quorum /quorum
$ cd $FAKEZOD_DESK/../.urb/put
$ sed -r "s/(glob-http\+\[).*(\])/\1\'http:\/\/\/$(ls | grep glob)\' $(ls | grep glob | sed -r 's/glob-(.*)\.glob/\1/g')\2/g" -i ../../quorum/desk.docket-0
$ python3 -m http.server 8000
> |commit %quorum