
For this mini-project, you are going to find a graphic that already exists, critique it, and recreate it using dimple.js or a software tool of your choice.


For this mini-project, you are going to find a graphic that already exists, critique it, and recreate it using dimple.js or a software tool of your choice.

#Original Visualization

This visualization comes from Canada's Liberal Party Website. The message is:

Between 1981 and 2011, Canada’s Real GDP grew by 115%. At the same time the real median income of Canadian families only grew by 15%.

However, Canada's Real GDP Chart's scale is exaggerated as it appears to be 150% growth vs the 15% median income growth. You can see that the Real GDP arrow goes up to the 3rd line (each line is approximately 45-50% since you can fit 3 of those smaller 15% arrows in it (15*3 = 45).

#Revised D3 Visualisation

Click Here!

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