
Poweful Puppet module to manage PHP, written by a PHP developer

Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT

Puppet Module: php

This is a Puppet module for managing PHP.


This module was built for use with Ubuntu, and probably won't work with CentOS/RedHat.

Usage - CLI

  • Install the command line client for PHP

    include php::cli
  • Configure the PHP command line client with an INI file

    class { 'php::cli':
      ini_source => 'puppet:///path/to/your/php.ini',

Usage - FPM

  • Install PHP-FPM

    class { 'php::fpm': }
  • Configure PHP-FPM

    class { 'php::fpm':
      log_owner => 'php',
      log_group => 'php',
      error_log => '/var/log/php5-fpm.log',
  • Add a pool definition to PHP-FPM

    php::fpm::pool { 'example':
      listen          => '/var/run/php5-fpm.sock',
      pm_status_path  => '/server-status',
      php_admin_flag  => {
        display_errors => 'off',
        log_errors     => 'on'
      php_admin_value => {
        memory_limit        => '128M',
        post_max_size       => '128M',
        upload_max_filesize => '128M'
  • Add a custom config file

    php::fpm::confd_file { 'custom.conf':
      ensure => present,
      source => 'puppet:///files/php/custom.conf',

Usage - PHPUnit

  • Install PHPUnit

    include php::phpunit


  • Install PEAR/PECL

    include php::pear
  • Install a PECL extension

    php::pecl::extension { 'memcache':
      ensure => present,
  • Change a PECL config value

    php::pecl::config { 'http_proxy':
      value => "myproxy:8080",
  • Install a PEAR package

    php::pear::module { 'PHP_CodeSniffer':
      ensure => present,
  • Change a PEAR config value

    php::pear::config { 'http_proxy':
      value => "myproxy:8080",

Usage - Composer

Note: by default, Composer is installed to /usr/bin/composer, not /usr/bin/composer.phar.

  • Install Composer

    include php::composer
  • Setup a new project

    php::composer::project { '/var/www/html/example.com':
      package => 'symfony/framework-standard-edition',
      version => '2.4.1',