
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember States Build Status

Ember States is Ember's implementation of a finite state machine. A StateManager instance manages a number of properties that are instances of Ember.State, tracks the current active state, and triggers callbacks when states have changed. For more info check documentation of Ember.StateManager in packages/ember-states/lib/state_manager.js

Up and running in less than a minute

  1. Download the latest build.
  2. In your application, include ember-states.js immediately after Ember.
  3. Enjoy!


  1. Run bundle install to fetch the necessary ruby gems.
  2. Run rake dist to build Ember.js. Two builds will be placed in the dist/ directory.
  • ember-states.js and ember-states.min.js

If you are building under Linux, you will need a JavaScript runtime for minification, for which we recommend installing nodejs. Alternatively you may have luck with another of the runtimes supported by execjs.

How to Run Unit Tests


  1. Install Ruby 1.9.3+. There are many resources on the web can help; one of the best is rvm.

  2. Install Bundler: gem install bundler

  3. Run bundle inside the project root to install the gem dependencies.

In Your Browser

  1. To start the development server, run rackup.

  2. Then visit: http://localhost:9292/

From the CLI

  1. Install phantomjs from http://phantomjs.org

  2. Run rake test to run a basic test suite or run rake test[all] to run a more comprehensive suite.

  3. (Mac OS X Only) Run rake autotest to automatically re-run tests when any files are changed.