Classes to work with superglobals $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $_COOKIE (RSR v0.90.1)
- 0
🏄 Apply RSR v0.90.1
#115 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 8. Edit RSR version number
#113 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 Apply RSR v0.90.0
#109 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 4. Update GitHub template files
#112 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 3. GitHub and IDE settings
#111 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 2. Git settings
#110 opened by in4s - 0
☑ v1.0.0 on projects
#108 opened by in4s - 0
⚡ Release v1.0.0
#105 opened by in4s - 0
Move tests to PHPUnit
#44 opened by in4s - 0
🛠 edit Release Version instruction: add Check whether you need to edit the README.md description
#101 opened by in4s - 0
🛠 Rebuild diagram, edit README.md
#99 opened by in4s - 0
- 0
- 0
🏄 Apply RSR v0.14.0
#86 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 8. Edit README.md, Repository description
#90 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 4. Add template files to repo
#89 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 3. Github settings
#88 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 2. Git settings
#87 opened by in4s - 0
Похоже что templates не попали в коммит
#73 opened by in4s - 0
🚨 add missed @since tag to id method
#76 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 Apply RSR v0.11.0
#66 opened by in4s - 1
Add id method *
#64 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 Apply RSR v0.13.4
#79 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 8. Edit README.md, Repository description
#82 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 4. Add template files to repo
#81 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 2. Git settings
#80 opened by in4s - 0
- 0
🏄 RSR: 12. Check Confirm Collaborators to repository
#72 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 11. Add Collaborators to repository
#71 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 8. Edit README.md, Repository description
#70 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 4. Add template files to repo
#69 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 3. Make develop default
#68 opened by in4s - 0
🏄 RSR: 2. Add branch develop
#67 opened by in4s - 0
- 0
Обновить диаграмму в readme
#60 opened by in4s - 1
Продумать, что делать с интерфейсом метода get *
#50 opened by in4s - 0
Внести исправления в файлах тестов:
#51 opened by in4s - 0
Проверить float тесты *
#52 opened by in4s - 0
Проверить DocBlocs тестов
#53 opened by in4s - 0
В SessionTest.php добавить тесты двух методов: *
#56 opened by in4s - 0
Синхронизировать квадраты в комментариях Get, Post *
#57 opened by in4s - 0
Не проходит один из тестов класса Session
#58 opened by in4s - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
добавить метод float для нецелых числовых значений *
#47 opened by in4s - 0
Покрыть метод float тестами *
#49 opened by in4s - 0
Разобраться с наследованием интерфейсов
#59 opened by in4s - 0
Покрыть тестом ident q4 *
#55 opened by in4s - 0
Продумать, может ли ident начинаться с цифры
#54 opened by in4s