PA1 - CS169

Julien Blanchet | Robotics Perception Systems | 1/21/20


  • Run on an Husarion ROSbot
  • Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic Installed


This repository is intended to be a single package within a catkin repository. Therefore, you must use an exising catkin workspace or create a new one. Steps for setup:

  1. Ensure that your catkin workspace has the following packages installed (these are necessary to control hardware of the robot)

  2. cd to the src folder of your catkin workspace

  3. copy the contents of this repositrory into a folder titled cs169_julienb_pa1 (this will be the package name)

  4. Run catkin_make at the root of your workspace.


  1. roslaunch cs169_julienb_pa1 moveforward.launch to execute task #1
    • By default, the robot will move 1m forward. You can change this by modifying the distance_m parameter in the launch file.
  2. roslaunch cs169_julienb_pa1 datacollection.launch to execute task #2
    • This will start the system. The robot will wait 5s before moving forward 1m at 0.2 m/s. (try to start bagging beforehand).
    • Run roslaunch cs169_julienb_pa1 rosbag_record.launch to start bagging the data. Ctl-C to stop. You probably will need to reindex the bag file after quitting, as it seems not to exit gracefully.
  3. roslaunch cs169_julienb_pa1 subscriber_demo.launch to execute task #3
    • Run rviz on your local computer and add /plot_xy as a topic. Make sure the fixed frame is set odom.
    • You can control the robot using keyboard in the terminal that you executed roslaunch.