
ENGS 103 (Operations Research) Team Project

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ENGS 103 (Operations Research) Team Project


python3 -m venv .env source .env/bin/activate pip install geos gurobipy numpy matplotlib pandas basemap

Data Preparation

Port List

Top 10 Asian Ports sourced from https://www.icontainers.com/us/2021/03/15/top-10-ports-asia/ For Taiwan: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=biggest+port+in+taiwan

  • List of port
  • Longitude and Latitude
  • Port Size (TEU) - used for import/export gravity model

Top West Coast Ports sourced from https://www.pmsaship.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/West-Coast-Trade-Report-June-2021.pdf

US Import Partners https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/statistics/highlights/toppartners.html

Cargo Demand: Transport demand between pairs of ports

Table Format:

Port (Asia) Port (West Coast) Demand (TEU)
Shanghai Los Angeles 5
Tokyo Los Angeles 3
Soeul Tacoma 1
Hong Kong Los Angeles 2
  • Source / destination port pairs
  • Cargo quantity (weekly)

Ports (Distance, GPS coordinate): The distance table is based on the distance calculated in Pub. 151 published by National Geosptial-Intelligence Agency.

  • Source port: Asian ports
  • Sink port: US west coast ports
  • GPS coordinate: Latitude and Longitude based on degree, i.e., W 127-36 = -127.6 deg
  • Distance: Nautial mile (NM)

Ships (Supply): List of ships
The fleet is based on one of largest container shipping alliance Ocean Aliance consisting of CMA CGM, COSCO, Evergreen. The total number of ships in Ocean Alliance are counted as 1258 (https://ajot.com/premium/ajot-ocean-carrier-alliances-the-tripartite)

Ports (Queue Capacity): List of ports with assoc. info