
Python helpers and utilities with no dependencies

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


PyPI Status Python Version License

Read the documentation at https://sbit.readthedocs.io/ Tests Codecov


Globals to set with nodeps commands

  • IPython Profile :mod:ipython_profile.profile_default.ipython_config: export IPYTHONDIR="$(ipythondir)"
  • Python Startup :mod:python_startup.__init__: export PYTHONSTARTUP="$(pythonstartup)"

pytest fixtures

import pytest
from typer.testing import Result
from nodeps.fixtures import skip_docker, Repos, Cli

def test_skip_docker(local: bool):
    """Fixture to see if or --local passed to pytest or DOCKER or CI.

        pytest --local
        pytest --local tests/test_fixture.py::test_fixture_local
        pytest tests/test_fixture.py  # docker -> 2 skipped
        pytest tests/test_fixture.py  # 0 skipped
    assert local is False

@pytest.mark.skipif("config.getoption('local') is True", reason='--local option provided')
def test_func_skipif_local_docker(local: bool):
    """Should run if local is False or not --local in command."""
    assert local is False

def test_fixture_repos(repos: Repos):
    """Test that repos are created and pushed."""
    assert (repos.local.top / "README.md").is_file()
    assert repos.local.git.cat_file("-e", "origin/main:README.md") == ""
    assert (repos.clone.top / "README.md").is_file()

@pytest.mark.parametrize("cli", [["command", "--option"]], indirect=True)
def test_current(cli: Cli):
   assert cli.result.exit_code == 0
   assert cli.result.stdout == "main"

@pytest.mark.parametrize("clirun", [["command", "--option"]], indirect=True)
def test_current(clirun: Result):
   assert clirun.exit_code == 0
   assert clirun.stdout == "main"
pytest --local tests/test_docker.py  # in macos to skip
pytest tests/test_docker.py # in docker to skip

IPython extension

Add the following to PyCharm Console:

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import nodeps
In [1]: %load_ext reload
In [2]: %reload_ext reload
In [3]: reload  # magic command

It is the same as:

import IPython

Env class and LOG

Searches for .env in cwd and up using envsh function

Usage: env = Env().

  • LOGURU_LEVEL will be set in os.environ.
  • LOG_LEVEL will be set and parsed to int for logging module. logger.setLevel(env.LOG_LEVEL)

Posible values for LOGURU_LEVEL and LOG_LEVEL: "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "SUCCESS", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL". LOG_LEVEL also accepts lower case or int.

Searches for settings.ini in cwd and up. If file is found python-decouple is used.


  • var = Env()._config("VAR", default=False, cast=bool)
  • extensions = {*Env()._config('EXTENSIONS', default=str(extensions), cast=decouple.Csv(post_process=set)), *extensions}

To change decouple to use both settings.ini and .env:

import collections
import decouple  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from nodeps import Path

EXTENSIONS = ["foo", "boo"]
cwd = Path.cwd()
files = (
    decouple.RepositoryIni(path.absolute()) if path.suffix == ".ini" else decouple.RepositoryEnv(".env")
    for file in ("settings.ini", )  # ".env" process by envbash()
    if (path := cwd.find_up())
config = decouple.Config(collections.ChainMap(*files))
        "EXTENSIONS", default=",".join(EXTENSIONS), cast=decouple.Csv(post_process=set)

Automatic installation of packages

PipMetaPathFinder is a sys.meta_path finder that automatically installs packages when they are imported.

Task dependencies

  • venv runs write and requirements
  • build runs venv, completions, docs and clean.
  • tests runs build, ruff, pytest and tox
  • publish runs tests, commit, tag, push, twine and clean


To install completions after a package is installed: p completions [name] or completions [name]


To synchronize (push or pull) all repos under ~/Archive and $HOME run: repos --sync or p repos --sync



Project section information in pyproject.toml is automatically updated when Project.write() is called, is key is not in project. An empty pyproject.toml is needed.


To use all extras from nodeps to your project, add the following to your pyproject.toml:

dev = [

docs conf.py and requirements.txt

doc conf.py, reference.md and requirements.txt are automatically updated when Project.write() is called.

usage.md requires a click instance in __main__.py: <app_name>_click = typer.main.get_command(<Typer instance>)

# Usage

.. click:: pdf.__main__:<app_name>_click
    :prog: reembolsos
    :nested: full


	@p $@


.PHONY: build
build:  # run: write, docs, clean and venv (requirements)

builds:  # run: write, docs, clean and venv (requirements)


commit: tests


	@p $@

.PHONY: docs



	@python3 -m pip install --upgrade -q $@[all,dev]

publish:  # runs: docs, tests (build (clean, venv (requirements)), pytest, ruff & tox), commit, tag, push, twine & clean

	@pyenv install 3.11
	@pyenv install 3.12-dev

	@p $@


	@$@ --install


	@p $@


	@p $@

.PHONY: tests
tests:  # runs: build (clean, venv (requirements)), pytest, ruff and tox

	@p $@

	@p $@

.PHONY: venv
venv:  # runs: requirements

venvs:  # runs: requirements

	@p $@

.DEFAULT_GOAL := publish


  • ansi: for getstdout and strip function using strip-ansi library
  • cli: for typer to have CLI for p command (autoinstall with pipmetapathfinder)
  • echo: for echo package using click library
  • env: for Env class using python-decouple library
  • log: for logger function using loguru library
  • pickle: for cache function using jsonpickle and structlog libraries
  • pth: for PTHBuildPy, PTHDevelop, PTHEasyInstall and PTHInstallLib classes using setuptools library
  • pretty: for rich library install and icecream.ic configuration
  • repo: for Repo class using gitpython library
  • requests: for python_latest, python_versions and request_x_api_key_json functions that use the requests and beautifulsoup4 libraries

tomlkit package is autoinstall with pipmetapathfinder for pyproject.toml file manipulation in Project class and __main__.py.

Aggregated extras:

  • nodeps[all] includes all extras except dev.
  • nodeps[dev] includes all dev extras.
  • nodeps[full] includes all extras including dev [all,dev].

Test imports uninstalling: pip uninstall loguru beautifulsoup4 click jsonpickle strip_ansi structlog typer


Add to your setup.cfg and <mypackage>.pth file in your package.

cmdclass =
  build_py = nodeps.PTHBuildPy
  develop = nodeps.PTHDevelop
  easy_install = nodeps.PTHEasyInstall
  install_lib = nodeps.PTHInstallLib
mypackage =

Add to your pyproject.toml:

requires = [
    "setuptools >= 68.2.2, <69",
    "setuptools_scm >= 8.0.3, <9",
    "wheel >= 0.41.2, <1"

To verify that nodeps.pth is being installed use: python -c "import venv; print(venv.CORE_VENV_DEPS)"

Post install

File _post_install.py is automatically executed after pip install with the pip install patch.


You can install nodeps via pip from PyPI:

$ pip install nodeps

You can install nodeps with extras pip from PyPI:

$ pip install nodeps[repo]

To install all extras but [dev] (not including development extras):

$ pip install nodeps[all]
./docker/docker.sh 3.11-slim-bash


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, nodeps is free and open source software.


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.
