
Beacon Object File allowing creation of Beacons in different sessions.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Beacon Object File allowing creation of Beacons in different sessions. Must be Elevated.


This BOF was created on the heels of research I did on Session 1 -> Session 0 Migration. To understand what is happening under the hood I suggest you read the full writeup there.

With an Elevated Beacon an operator may spawn a beacon in a different session; This may be session 0, so as to prevent losing your beacon should the victim log off, or even another user's session.

A couple things to keep in mind:

  1. The "sessionpid" you select must be a process which has the SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_PRIVILEGE and SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE privileges. This means you are going to be looking at system integrity processes, not high integrity ones ran by a user. Note that PPL protected processes like smss.exe MAY be used here (and are in fact a desired target when jumping to session 0). Smss.exe is a good target for session 0, while winlogon is a good target for user sessions.

  2. The "parentpid" you select CAN NOT be PPL protected. Ideally you will select a parentpid in the same session that you want to jump to; spoolsv is a good target for session 0, while winlogon is a good target for user sessions.

  3. The Beacon in the new session will spawn as the same architecture as the Beacon that JumpSession was ran from; architecture migration is not supported.

To Compile:


x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -o JumpSession.x64.o -Os -c main.c -DBOF


i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -o JumpSession.x86.o -Os -c main.c -DBOF