
A C++ interface to the Tk GUI toolkit. Please be warned that this repository undergoes history rewriting until this notice is removed.

Primary LanguageC++

C++/Tk - a complete C++ interface to the Tk GUI toolkit.

Copyright (C) 2004-2006, Maciej Sobczak


You should see the following directories here:

- base     - contains common files for Tk and all extensions
- doc      - contains a short documentation for the library
- test     - tests used for development - use them for regression testing
             if you want to modify the library
- examples - some simple examples to show C++/Tk basics

The C++/Tk itself consists of these files:
- cpptk.h           - to be included in your own files
- cpptk.cc          - to be compiled and linked with your code
- cpptkconstants.x  - not compilable
- cpptkoptions.x    - not compilable
- base/cpptkbase.h  - included automatically by Tk and all extensions
- base/cpptkbase.cc - to be compiled and linked with your code

(you may also wish to make your own archive or shared library from
the *.cc files listed above)

In order to compile the tests and the examples you may need to change the
compiler options to fit your particular environment (different paths to the
Tcl and Tk headers and libs, another compiler, etc.)

Please see doc.html for instructions how to compile your own programs.
The Makefile in the examples directory can help, too.

The library was written under Unix, but works pretty well on MS Windows and
may also work on Macs.

Anyway - have fun! :-)