Hentioe-Elixir Hentioe-Rust Hentioe-Crystal Hentioe-Dart Hentioe-React Hentioe-Flutter Hentioe-NixOS Hentioe-Android Hentioe-avator

About me

Hi, I'm Hentioe, a professional and personal developer living in China. Used to work in Shanghai, now in Shenzhen.

I personally use Elixir and Rust mostly in my side business or open source projects. In the actual work experience, Java, Ruby and even Golang are the main ones.

In terms of programming languages, my main in-depth direction is Elixir and Rust, as well as the immature Crystal. Of course, I also have experience in many other mainstream languages, or I can master them quickly.

Future plans

At present, I am planning to devote more energy to open source software, and make open source as part of a side business as much as possible. At the same time, I always look forward to ideal and comfortable work (including remote). It is best for me to play freely, because it can reflect my best value.