
A distributed search engine which builds index over collection of documents

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Distributed Search Engine


  • java v1.8.0_222
  • spark v2.4.4
  • hadoop v3.2.1
  • rocksdb - Compiled from the source

Configuration Variables

  • spark.home = Bin directory inside spark home where spark binaries are located, eg. /home/user/spark/bin
  • hadoop.doc_data.dir = HDFS URI for directory with documents, eg. hdfs://localhost:9000/user/<username>/doc_contents
  • hadoop.url_mapping.dir = HDFS URI for directory with file containing URL document mapping LINK, eg. hdfs://localhost:9000/user/<username>/url_data
  • rocksdb.forwardindex.dir = RocksDB directory for storing forward index, eg. /tmp/forward-index. Please note, /tmp must exist.
  • rocksdb.invertedindex.dir = RocksDB directory for storing inverted index, eg. /tmp/inverted-index. Please note, /tmp must exist.
  • rocksdb.url_mapping.dir = RocksDB directory for storing URL document mappings, eg. /tmp/url-doc-map. Please note, /tmp must exist.

Project Setup

Steps to setup the project locally:

  1. Clone the repository from source

  2. Create a hdfs path for storing the data in HDFS using the following commands:

    • hdfs dfs -mkdir /user
    • hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/<username>

    Note: Please make sure hadoop is running before executing the above commands.

  3. Create a hdfs sub-directory and load the all the documents in that directory by running the following commands:

    • hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/<username>/doc_contents
    • hdfs dfs -put </path/to/local/*.*> /user/<username>/doc_contents
  4. Similarly create a hdfs sub-directory and load the id_url_pairs.txt file in that directory by running the following commands:

    • hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/<username>/url_data
    • hdfs dfs -put </path/to/local/id_url_pairs.txt> /user/<username>/url_data
  5. Run the following command from minigoogle directory with appropriate path values to generate the executable. Example command will look like below.

    ./mvnw clean install -Dspark.home=/home/kautilya/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/bin -Dhadoop.doc_data.dir=hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kautilya/data -Dhadoop.url_mapping.dir=hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kautilya/url_data -Drocksdb.forwardindex.dir=/tmp/app-kv -Drocksdb.invertedindex.dir=/tmp/app-iv-kv -Drocksdb.url_mapping.dir=/tmp/url-kv
  6. Run the following command from minigoogle directory with appropriate path values to run the web server. Example command should look something like below.

    ./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--spark.home=/home/kautilya/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/bin,--hadoop.doc_data.dir=hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kautilya/data,--hadoop.url_mapping.dir=hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kautilya/url_data,--rocksdb.forwardindex.dir=/tmp/app-kv,--rocksdb.invertedindex.dir=/tmp/app-iv-kv,--rocksdb.url_mapping.dir=/tmp/url-kv"

    Note: By default the application runs on port 8080.


  1. /minigoogle/api/v1/save/index - Computes forward and inverted index and persists both in rocksDB.
  2. /minigoogle/api/v1/search?query=<your query> - Returns list of URLs containing any of the words in the query.
  3. /minigoogle/api/v1/get/forwardIndex - Returns the entire forward index persisted in rocksDB. NOTE: Results can be huge.
  4. /minigoogle/api/v1/get/invertedIndex - Returns the entire inverted index persisted in rocksDB. NOTE: Results can be huge.

Generate Index

  • Hit the API http://<HOST:PORT>/minigoogle/api/v1/save/index to generate the indices.


  • After generating the indices search using the API http://<HOST:PORT>/minigoogle/api/v1/search?query=<your query> to retrieve the results.