
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Surglogs interview project

Getting started

API and APP is in single monorepo, I've used yarn workspaces for pre-commit hook and single start command but they can be run separately.


  1. node 16.*
  2. yarn (npm install -g yarn)

Run the app and api (powered by yarn workspaces)

  1. yarn
  2. yarn dev
  3. app is running on localhost:5173 (api on localhost:8001)

Running tests

  1. cd app && yarn run test:unit for unit tests
  2. cd app && yarn run test:e2e for cypress tests (please make sure the app is running)

Main use-cases are covered by cypress, unit tests are used only for small cases (e.g. loading state, failed state ...)

Used tech

  • Official vite scaffold
    • As we don't have multiple routes and not content heavy (otherwise I would use Next.js / Astro)
  • airbnb eslint config and prettier for linting/formatting with small tweaks explained in the file
    • To have some reasonable defaults
  • Testing with vitest and cypress
    • Vitest is fast, battery included with nice API, support snapshots and we use the same config as main app
  • Styling with styled-components
    • Just because task specified CSS-in-JS , personally I would prefer tailwind / css modules
  • Virtual scroll with react-window
    • Lightweight, a bit obscure API, it was tie with virtuoso but I've used virtuoso before so tried new thing
  • Drag and drop with react-beautiful-dnd
    • It is backed by atlasian
    • It has playground how to make it work with react-window
  • For API only simple express with typescript