
Interactive guitar fretboard

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Interactive guitar fretboard.


Fretify is built using Vite, React, TypeScript, MobX, SCSS, Tonal.js, and Tone.js. It utilizes the eslint-config-airbnb and the eslint-config-airbnb-typescript for TypeScript support.


Fretify is a free interactive guitar fretboard website where you can view over 50 different scales on the fretboard in each key. You'll be able to customize the fretboard to your liking by taking advantage of the many controls Fretify has to offer. This website was made possible thanks to Tonal.js and Tone.js.

Fretboard Controls

  • Highlight root notes, triad notes, and power chord notes.
  • Change the amount of frets shown.
  • View the CAGED system positions.
  • Change the fretboard tuning.
  • Left-handed and right-handed display option.
  • Flip the string order.
  • Listen to the note sounds

Returning a year later, what's going to be added?

Upcoming changes to the site include:

  • Refactored code
  • Updated styles
  • New tools such as chord viewer and guitar tabs.
  • User accounts and community boards where you can share posts, videos, etc.