From the project root run the following command:
$ ./run
The objectives:
- setup a complete development environment from a scratch install of Mac OS X with one simple command
- keep a development environment up-to-date
- Installs xcode
- Installs rvm
- Installs ruby 2.3
- Installs homebrew
- Configures git
- Installs Brew Dependencies & Cask Apps (
brew bundle
# brew dependencies
autoconf, automake, elasticsearch, ffmpeg, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi,
git-flow, graphviz, hub, imagemagick, lame, libass, libgpg-error, libksba,
libogg, libpng, libquvi, libtool, libvo-aacenc, libvorbis, libvpx, libyaml,
lua, mysql, node, openssl, phantomjs, pkg-config, pv, python, qt@5.5,
qtfaststart, readline, redis, s3cmd, sdl, texi2html, theora, x264, xvid, yasm,
zsh, zsh-completions, zstd
# cask apps
air-video-server-hd, cyberduck, divvy, dropbox, harvest, hex-fiend, java,
openoffice, owncloud, postman, screenhero, sequel-pro, skype, slack, spotify,
vlc, zeplin
- Installs aws cli
- Installs aws eb cli
- Installs oh my zsh
- Set fast system key repeat
- Force brew link qt, a hack since we have to install an old version of qt
- Start mysql and add launch daemon
- Start redis and add launch daemon
- Start elasticsearch and add launch daemon
- Symlink .zshrc
- install SourceCodePro font and set as terminal font