
get up and running fast and stay running

Primary LanguageShell


Getting Started

From the project root run the following command:

$ ./run


The objectives:

  • setup a complete development environment from a scratch install of Mac OS X with one simple command
  • keep a development environment up-to-date

Base Dependencies

  1. Installs xcode
  2. Installs rvm
  3. Installs ruby 2.3
  4. Installs homebrew
  5. Configures git

Brew Dependencies

  1. Installs Brew Dependencies & Cask Apps (brew bundle)
# brew dependencies
autoconf, automake, elasticsearch, ffmpeg, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi,
git-flow, graphviz, hub, imagemagick, lame, libass, libgpg-error, libksba,
libogg, libpng, libquvi, libtool, libvo-aacenc, libvorbis, libvpx, libyaml,
lua, mysql, node, openssl, phantomjs, pkg-config, pv, python, qt@5.5,
qtfaststart, readline, redis, s3cmd, sdl, texi2html, theora, x264, xvid, yasm,
zsh, zsh-completions, zstd

# cask apps
air-video-server-hd, cyberduck, divvy, dropbox, harvest, hex-fiend, java,
openoffice, owncloud, postman, screenhero, sequel-pro, skype, slack, spotify,
vlc, zeplin

Install useful system libraries (not part of brew) and system settings

  1. Installs aws cli
  2. Installs aws eb cli
  3. Installs oh my zsh
  4. Set fast system key repeat
  5. Force brew link qt, a hack since we have to install an old version of qt

Configure Apache

Set Launch Services

  1. Start mysql and add launch daemon
  2. Start redis and add launch daemon
  3. Start elasticsearch and add launch daemon

Set Symlinks

  1. Symlink .zshrc


  • install SourceCodePro font and set as terminal font