

Primary LanguageShell

Testing workshop VM

This is the testing VM for workshop Mike's Testing Workshop Game.

Requirements for this workshop are:

Bring a laptop with PHP 7.2 and these extensions:

  • ext/xdebug
  • ext/openssl

And these tools installed:

  • phpunit/phpunit
  • phpunit/phpunit-selenium
  • phpunit/php-code-coverage
  • phploc/phploc
  • phpmd/phpmd
  • pdepend/pdepend
  • sebastian/phpcpd
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer
  • fzaninotto/faker
  • sensiolabs/security-checker
  • sensiolabs-de/deprecation-detector
  • sensiolabs/security-advisories
  • roave/security-advisories
  • psecio/parse
  • spatie/url-signer
  • csharpru/vault-php
  • Browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Internet Explorer)
  • GIT
  • curl (or a command line HTTP client to execute URI calls)
  • netcat or nc
  • Java runtime (for running JMeter, Zed Attack Proxy/Burp, …)

This repo gives you a Vagrant box that provides most of these tools.