
Nothing to see here! Just some code from the SymfonyCon 2019 Webpack Encore workshop

Primary LanguagePHP

Webpack Encore: SymfonyCon!

Hi there!


To get it working, follow these steps:

Download Composer dependencies

Make sure you have Composer installed and then run:

composer install

Setup .env.local

If the DATABASE_DSN in .env doesn't work for you, create a new .env.local file and override it there.

Setup the Database

Again, make sure .env.local is setup for your computer if needed. Then, create the database and the schema!

php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

If you get an error that the database exists, that should be ok. But if you have problems, completely drop the database (doctrine:database:drop --force) and try again.

Start the Symfony web server

You can use Nginx or Apache, but Symfony's local web server works even better.

To install the Symfony local web server, follow "Downloading the Symfony client" instructions found here: https://symfony.com/download - you only need to do this once on your system.

Then, to start the web server, open a terminal, move into the project, and run:

symfony serve

(If this is your first time using this command, you may see an error that you need to run symfony server:ca:install first).

Now check out the site at http://localhost:8000

For convenience

If you are using PhpStorm you may install and enable the Symfony Plugin via the preferences which provides more auto-completion for Symfony projects.

Have fun!