Primary LanguagePython

Bidirectional skip-frame prediction for video anomaly detection with intra-domain disparity-driven attention (BiSP)

submitted for the journal PR
python 3.8
torch 1.13

  1. Data preparation
    Ped1/Ped2: http://www.svcl.ucsd.edu/projects/anomaly/dataset.htm
    Avenue: https://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/leojia/projects/detectabnormal/dataset.html
    ShanghaiTech: https://svip-lab.github.io/dataset/campus_dataset.html

  2. Train
    python Train.py # Ped2
    python Train_ped1.py # Ped1
    python Train_avenue.py # Avenue
    python Train_shanghaitech.py # ShanghaiTech

  3. Evaluation
    python Evaluate.py # Ped2
    python Evaluate_ped1.py # Ped1
    python Evaluate_avenue.py # Avenue
    python Evaluate_shanghaitech.py # ShanghaiTech

You can download the pretrained weights of BiSP for the four datasets from Google.