
Assertions library for comparing and verifying XML documents or fragments. Easily test XML output from your code in unit tests.

Primary LanguageC#

#Minotaur - XML Assertions Library for .Net

##Elevator pitch You're working on a project. You've got lots of XML flying around. You're a good TDD/BDD developer and so you want to test that you're generating the right XML.

BUT testing XML in .Net can be frustrating. You can't just compare strings as they might have different insignificant whitespace, different ordering of attributes or even different encodings. And trying to compare parsed XML documents can add ugly code complexity into your tests, hiding the actual assertions you're trying to make.

Wouldn't it be better to be able to say

// actualXml & expectedXml can be strings / XDocuments / XmlNodes...


// Notice nice fluent XPath style syntax

// Third paragraph should have 'quote' style

// There should be no 'ul' elements without 'li' children


Current status

Still in very early alpha development.

Get in touch if you have suggestions for syntax or assertions you'd like included.