
sample code in tutorials should match the SDK's "JME3 Tests" project template

Opened this issue · 3 comments

See jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine#1124, filed by @nav9. They missed part about "All example code is included in the jMonkeyEngine SDK" and tried copy-pasting code from the beginner tutorials. That ought to work, but it didn't. They mentioned 2 sorts of problems:

  1. small errors in the code
  2. non-breaking space characters

I assume the SDK build process somehow copies the Java code in the "JME3 Tests" project template from the jme3-examples sub-project of the Engine, so that's an important piece of this issue. Whenever changes are made the tutorial code, it's vital to replicate those changes in jme3-examples. This will ensure that the code actually compiles.

Similarly, it's important that changes to certain jme3-examples classes (the ones used in the wiki) get reflected in the wiki. Perhaps we should add prominent reminders to the Java code.

A related topic at the Forum:

Sorry for the delay. The SDK is not part of the wiki and is the SDK maintainers responsibility now.

Whenever changes are made the tutorial code, it's vital to replicate those changes in jme3-examples.

Agreed. My bad mostly on that. Works both ways though. Changes that are made by the engine team should be reported on the forum or here but not likely to happen.

I will go through things in the near term and try to fix that after versioning is implemented. Which is about to hit. After that, I plan on going through changes every engine release as the wiki will mirror the engine versioning thereafter.

Previous version links will be reachable from every wiki page also.

Note that this issue is about updating to the wiki, not the SDK. The code in the wiki needs to work as intended.

I am still wrapping my head around the extent of this situation here but all the code in the beginner tutorials should be copy+paste ready to go other than Hello Animation- I have a bunch of pull requests ready to roll