Pinned Repositories
A program that performs time series predictions in R using AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and then improves the prediction accuracy using a combination of ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks using a Multilayer Perceptron.
The classic Digger game recreated in GW BASIC using ASCII characters
This program finds duplicate files in a folder and its subfolders. Duplicates are moved to a separate folder. A few other modes of operation are also planned/available.
Built with PyMunk and PyGame
A collection of opportunities available for freelancers and remote workers. The emphasis is on listing reliable platforms/companies where people can find work or post job opportunities.
The first game I created while in 9th grade (around 1999-2000). Little kids love playing this game. You can run it either in GW BASIC or in Q BASIC. A simple game by Navin, using ASCII characters.
Ever needed to predict the next sequence in apparently random data? The Mackey Glass time series generates seemingly random data, based on what the researchers observed about the frequency of white blood cell production in the human body. This program uses trains a multilayer perceptron using feedforward and backpropagation, to train the neural network to learn the pattern of variations in the Mackey Glass time series. The second part of the program then uses the trained network to predict the next values of the time series, using four past inputs.
A program that uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) to recognize faces and be able to track them in a video
This project helps you view and assess videos by displaying sections of the video side by side. Inspired by the Vivict project.
A simple tool to help merge multiple Virtual Contact File (VCF) files. These are the vCard files used in smartphones.
nav9's Repositories
A collection of opportunities available for freelancers and remote workers. The emphasis is on listing reliable platforms/companies where people can find work or post job opportunities.
This project helps you view and assess videos by displaying sections of the video side by side. Inspired by the Vivict project.
This program finds duplicate files in a folder and its subfolders. Duplicates are moved to a separate folder. A few other modes of operation are also planned/available.
Built with PyMunk and PyGame
Ever needed to predict the next sequence in apparently random data? The Mackey Glass time series generates seemingly random data, based on what the researchers observed about the frequency of white blood cell production in the human body. This program uses trains a multilayer perceptron using feedforward and backpropagation, to train the neural network to learn the pattern of variations in the Mackey Glass time series. The second part of the program then uses the trained network to predict the next values of the time series, using four past inputs.
A simple tool to help merge multiple Virtual Contact File (VCF) files. These are the vCard files used in smartphones.
A program that performs time series predictions in R using AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and then improves the prediction accuracy using a combination of ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks using a Multilayer Perceptron.
Synchronises audio and video based on lip movement of speakers
Differential evolution (or computational intelligence algorithms in general) can be used to find or to converge close to finding the inverse of a matrix, where the matrix can be of any size. The advantage here is that even if a matrix is singular, the algorithm can find a value that is close to the inverse. This technique of finding an inverse works much faster than the conventional methods.
A profiler for FFMPEG that helps you find the optimal settings to encode a good quality video while consuming minimum resources.
A trivial (but important) program that estimates how much money grows in a span of a few years
An app that reminds you to rest your eyes and notes down the screen lock and unlock time
A minimalist slideshow app for Android, built with Flutter. Allows selecting a folder of images (searches subfolders too), setting a time interval between image changes in seconds and allowing swipes to override the interval timer.
A program for creating and pruning a decision tree in R. The dataset used is a cardiotocographic dataset. The program is a very simple one, and needs a lot more work to be done on it to bring it to a state where it can display more statistical summaries and give better estimates on what the appropriate tree size is.
This program uses Differential Evolution to find the solutions to quadratic equations.
Our Volunteering Team's very own website. Of the volunteers, by the volunteers and for everyone!
A funny little chat assistant generated by ChatGPT
Image resizing, metadata removal and image format conversion on Android
Various experimental programs in image processing
A program that reminds you to rest your eyes.
A simple legged robot created in PyMunk
A repository that makes the most helpful information available to people in the field of Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence, whenever they want to revise certain concepts and don't want to lose time searching the internet for a good explanation. This repository also contains guides on how to write research papers, how to avoid predatory journals and tips on getting published quickly. Disclaimer: Most of the content on this repository is from other websites and sources. I do not claim any copyright to the content here. They are stored here just as a convenient source of reference for people in the field of Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence.
nav9/ Documentation on Gitbook
This program uses a standard multilayer perceptron neural network which during the first part of the program is trained to recognize the pattern of a line drawn using a quadratic equatinon. The second part of the program automatically predicts points of the line based on inputs, by making use of the training given to it earlier. The program is designed with object oriented programming, and is very flexible in being able to handle multiple inputs, outputs and hidden layers.
A Windows program that kills popups of any window whose title matches a name that you specify in the program, to listen for.
A simple encoder decoder for text
A simple note taking Android app with the option to export notes to a text file.
The Volunteering Navigation Score is a part-objective part-subjective scoring system designed to help volunteering teams, NGO's and corporates to critically evaluate if they are headed in the right direction in their quest for improving society, and what areas they need to improve on.
The most no-nonsense locally hosted (or API hosted) AI code completion plugin for Visual Studio Code, like GitHub Copilot but 100% free and 100% private.