
AutoHotkey wrapper for Network Management technology

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyThe UnlicenseUnlicense


AutoHotkey wrapper for Network Management technology (msdn-docs)


This wrapper could be useful for administrators and first and second level supporters. All functions in this class are also available as standalone functions. (src/functions)


Retrieves a list of global groups to which a specified user belongs.

for k, v in NetworkManagement.NetUserGetGroups(A_UserName, "DC01")
	output .= k ": " v "`n"
MsgBox % output

Retrieves a list of local groups to which a specified user belongs.

for k, v in NetworkManagement.NetUserGetLocalGroups(A_UserName, "DOMAIN\", "DC01")
	output .= k ": " v "`n"
MsgBox % output

Retrieves information about each global group in the security database.

NetGroupEnum := NetworkManagement.NetGroupEnum("DC01")
for i, v in NetGroupEnum {
	for k, v in NetGroupEnum[i]
		output .= k ": " v "`n"
	MsgBox % output
	output := ""

Retrieves a list of the members in a particular global group in the security database.

for k, v in NetworkManagement.NetGroupGetUsers("G_GROUP_TEST", "DC01")
	output .= k ": " v "`n"
MsgBox % output

Returns information about each local group account on the specified server.

NetLocalGroupEnum := NetworkManagement.NetLocalGroupEnum("DC01")
for i, v in NetLocalGroupEnum {
	for k, v in NetLocalGroupEnum[i]
		output .= k ": " v "`n"
	MsgBox % output
	output := ""

Retrieves a list of the members of a particular local group in the security database.

for k, v in NetworkManagement.NetLocalGroupGetMembers("L_GROUP_TEST", "DC01")
	output .= k ": " v "`n"
MsgBox % output

Retrieves information about a particular user account on a server.

for k, v in NetworkManagement.NetUserGetInfo(A_UserName, "DC01")
	output .= k ": " v "`n"
MsgBox % output

Retrieves join status information for the specified computer.

for k, v in NetworkManagement.NetGetJoinInformation()
	output .= k ": " v "`n"
MsgBox % output

Returns information about the configuration of a workstation

for k, v in NetworkManagement.NetWkstaGetInfo()
	output .= k ": " v "`n"
MsgBox % output

Lists information about all users currently logged on to the workstation. This list includes interactive, service and batch logons.

NetWkstaUserEnum := NetworkManagement.NetWkstaUserEnum()
for i, v in NetWkstaUserEnum {
	for k, v in NetWkstaUserEnum[i]
		output .= k ": " v "`n"
	MsgBox % output
	output := ""

Returns information about the currently logged-on user.

for k, v in NetworkManagement.NetWkstaUserGetInfo()
	output .= k ": " v "`n"
MsgBox % output

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The Unlicense

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