
The new developers guide to the Cloud


Azure skills navigator - the new developer's "Guide to the Cloud"

Looking to develop your Microsoft knowledge and skills? You’re on the right path!

This guide is looking to take you from "zero to hero". Jump into your learning journey where you are and learn to take your code to the cloud.

This guide contains many ways to learn from Learn modules on aka.ms/learn to videos - choose what suits you. :)

image of the skills navigator

.NET Development with C#

Ramp up

  • Take your first steps with C# Contains a learning path for the language C#
  • .NET testing Learn how to test and run those tests is a core skill. You need to do your best to ensure the code is working before shipping it

App development

In production

Node.js (JavaScript on the backend)

Ramp up

App development

In production


Ramp up

  • Python for beginners This path teaches Python as a language. Most modules in this path use Notebooks which make for a great learning experience in the browser
  • Python for beginners, VIDEO 44 videos teaching you the fundamentals of Python

App development

In production


Ramp up

App development

In production


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