Looking to develop your Microsoft knowledge and skills? You’re on the right path!
This guide is looking to take you from "zero to hero". Jump into your learning journey where you are and learn to take your code to the cloud.
This guide contains many ways to learn from Learn modules on aka.ms/learn to videos - choose what suits you. :)
Ramp up
- Take your first steps with C# Contains a learning path for the language C#
- .NET testing Learn how to test and run those tests is a core skill. You need to do your best to ensure the code is working before shipping it
App development
Build .NET applications A learning path covering various aspects of using .NET for app development
Build your first web API Beginner-friendly learning path teaching you how to build an API for the web in 5 lines of code or less.
Adding a data store to your app with Entity Framework Your app needs to store the data somewhere, an ORM, Object relational mapper makes interaction with a database easier
Add CosmosDB database to .NET app CosmosDB is a NoSQl database and also offer a lot of enterprise features like regional failover, scaling etc..
Add Postgres database to .NET app Postgres is a very popular database options
Build web apps for .NET with Blazor A way to build full stack apps
In production
- Secure .NET App via Identity Framework Adding auth via Identity framework
- Learning path for doing various tasks related to production Logging, Key Vault for secrets, Azure cache for Redis
Ramp up
Build JavaScript applications with Node.js Contains a path to learn Node.js from the beginning
JavaScript for beginners, VIDEO Start here to learn JavaScript with this video series
Node.js series, VIDEO Video series teaching Node.js.
App development
Build a Node.js app with Cosmos DB as a data source All apps need a data source. Azure CosmosDB has a great grow up story. You start with a MongoDB database locally and then you can use that as Azure Cosmos DB speaks the same API.
Build Serverless APIs with Azure functions Event based architecture is a new paradigm.
Azure Static Web apps series, VIDEO This video series will teach you how to develop apps and deploy them on Azure using Azure Static Web Apps.
Vue.js for beginners, VIDEO In this video series, you will be taught to build web apps using Vue.js.
In production
- Azure Static Web apps learning path Azure Static web apps allows you to build a fullstack JavaScript solution.
- Capture page load times with Application Insights Logging and instrumentation is important for an app in production.
- Use Azure AD in your app Use Azure Active Directory in your app. Securing your app is very important.
Ramp up
- Python for beginners This path teaches Python as a language. Most modules in this path use Notebooks which make for a great learning experience in the browser
- Python for beginners, VIDEO 44 videos teaching you the fundamentals of Python
App development
- Build a Python API using Flask Building APIs is something you are likely to do often
- Build a web app with Django Learning path to build a Web App with the web framework Django
- Deploying to the Cloud Shows deployment scenario with the popular web framework Django
- Create Azure Function app with Python Shows how to use event based architecture in the Cloud with Azure Functions
- Connect to Postgres using Python All apps need some kind of data store. This module convers adding Postgres to a Python app
In production
- Working with monitoring Monitoring is an important aspect to ensure the health and security of your app
- Work with Azure identity to authenticate towards resources in the cloud It’s important to know how to work with authentication to ensure that your app and its data are only accessed by those who should have access. This module shows how to work with Azure identity from an SDK perspective
Ramp up
- Java for Beginners Videos series all about Java for beginners
App development
- Choose the right Azure service for your app Choose the right Azure service for your app
- Deploy a spring boot app using MySQL using Azure App service Great for running a first realistic Java app and deploying it on Azure
- Get started with Java on Azure Shows the different services you can use to deploy your apps and covers migration scenarios
In production
Manage secrets in Java Applications It’s important to manage your secrets in a secure way. Azure Key Vault is a service that helps with secrets management and its process
Best practices for Java Apps on Azure Shows how to use monitoring, CI/CD, Maven
Expand capabilities for Java Apps on Azure Adds capabilities like different data stores, databases, blob storage service bus, caching with Redis
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