
Web module for ReciVeci application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Onsen UI Quick Startup Guide

This document describes the minimum information required to develop an app using Onsen UI.


Development Instructions

  1. Install dependencies

    $ npm install

  2. Install Gulp globally

    $ npm install -g gulp

  3. Run gulp serve and run the web server

    $ gulp serve

You should see running app on browser and you can start to develop your app with Onsen UI.

Directory Layout

README.md     --> This file
gulpfile.js   --> Gulp tasks definition
www/          --> Asset files for app
  index.html  --> App entry point
    angular/  --> AngularJS dependency
      stylus/ --> Stylus files for onsen-css-components.css
      js/     --> JS files for Onsen UI
      css/    --> CSS files for Onsen UI
  scripts/    --> Cordova scripts directory
platforms/    --> Cordova platform directory
plugins/      --> Cordova plugin directory
merges/       --> Cordova merge directory
hooks/        --> Cordova hook directory
scripts/      --> Cordova TS scripts directory and TS definitions

Gulp Tasks

  • gulp serve - Running the app for development.
  • gulp build - Build several files for project.
  • gulp jshint - Generate jshint report.