Commerce Demo Generator

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0. Prerequisites

Salesforce CLI

Ensure the Salesforce CLI is installed and up to date by running the following commands in a terminal

sf -v # prints cli version
sf update # updates cli

1. Create Scratch Org

Create Scratch Org using the sf cli

📖 → Documentation

sf org create scratch 
--alias commerce-demo
--target-dev-hub # dev-hub username 
--username # scratch-org username
--description "" # provide meaningful description what the org is used for
--name "" # name of the org
--definition-file config/project-scratch-def.json # path to definition file
--duration-days 30
--wait 15 # timout 15min for creation

2. Deploy default metadata

Deploy default metadata as base for org and commerce functionality. This might include:

  • apex classes
  • permission sets & groups
  • lightning web components
  • digital experience bundle
    • to be connected to new stores

📖 → Documentation


You must run this command from within a project.

sf project deploy start 
-o # scratch-org username
--source-dir force-app # path to 'force-app' project metadata-root-folder

3. Import Data

Import simple or complex data via different sf cli or rest api calls. In general multiple data plans are used to import unrelated records as independent as possible from each other. (In future use that makes it easier to track created records, abort import and roll back by deleting created records).

Exmaple folder scturcture:

  • commerceDataImport/
    • commerceData-plan.json
    • Account.json
    • Contact.json
    • WebStore.json
    • Catalog.json
    • WebStoreCatalog.json
    • [...]
  • setupImport/
    • setup-plan.json
    • CspTrustedSite.json
  • productImport/
    • product-import-mapping.json
    • product-data.csv

📖 → Import Tree by Plan Documentation | 📖 → Import Product Data Documentation

3.1 Import Commerce Data

This includes regular data like accounts and contact, as well as commerce setup object that have references like catalog and the webstore itself - also includes the required junctions objects eg. WebStoreCatalog.


Save results - RecordIds needed for import of Product Data and its mapping

sf data import tree 
-o # scratch-org username
--plan commerceDataImport/commerceData-plan.json # path to data plan json file

3.2 Import Setup Data

Import records that are controlling behaviour like a setup setting would, but is not a setting or metadata but rather regular data-record (eg. CspTrustedSite).

sf data import tree 
-o # scratch-org username
--plan setupImport/setup-plan.json # path to data plan json file

3.3 Import Product Data

TODO: Check if entitlement in CSV or Mapping!

3.3.1 Adjust & Upload CSV

Create or adjust the CSV file as needed. 📖 → CSV Structure Documentation

📖 → CSV File Upload Documentation

sf data create file 
-o # scratch-org username
-t productImportCsvFile # file/document name 
-f productImport/product-data.csv # path to file to upload
3.3.2 Adjust Mapping & Trigger Import

Review the mapping json file that used when triggering the import job. It ensure the usage of the cirrect store etc.

📖 → Import Product- Import-Mapping REST Resquest Documentation

   "importConfiguration": {
      "importSource": {
         "contentVersionId": "record id of uploaded csv-file (068)"
      "importSettings": {
         "category": {
            "productCatalogId": "record id of created product-catalog of store (0ZS)"
         "price": {
            "pricebookAliasToIdMapping": {
               "csvHeaderAlias": "record id of created pricebook2 for alias from CSV column header (01s)"
         "entitlement": {
            "defaultEntitlementPolicyId": "record id of created entitlement policy for that store (1Ce)"
         "webstore": {
            "webstoreId": " record id of the created webstore (0ZE)"

Now start the actual import job via a call to the rest api. Either use sf api request rest from the CLI or a direct http request via eg cURL. Get access-token with get org details command

curl --location 'https://<scratch-org><API-Version>/commerce/management/import/product/jobs' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' 
--data '{
   "importConfiguration": {
      "importSource": {
         "contentVersionId": "record id of uploaded csv-file (068)"
      "importSettings": {
         "category": {
            "productCatalogId": "record id of created product-catalog of store (0ZS)"
         "price": {
            "pricebookAliasToIdMapping": {
               "csvHeaderAlias": "record id of created pricebook2 for alias from CSV column header (01s)"
         "entitlement": {
            "defaultEntitlementPolicyId": "record id of created entitlement policy for that store (1Ce)"
         "webstore": {
            "webstoreId": " record id of the created webstore (0ZE)"
# alternatively specify the adjusted file to be used directly instead of copy the contents:
#-d @productImport/product-import-mapping.json

This starts an asynchronus import job and returns that job id in the a json structure omething like the following:

    "contentVersionId": "068KF000001vZdUYAU",
    "endTime": null,
    "errorMessages": {},
    "jobId": "750[...]",
    "startTime": 1733300056454,
    "startedBy": "005[...]",
    "status": "UploadComplete",
    "warningMessages": {},
3.3.3 Job Results

The CLI (eg. sf data bulk results) is not supporting commerce bulk operation from the /commerce/management endpoints. So there are the following options to get information about the import job

  1. In Salesforce navigatio to the pdoruct import page /lightning/page/commerceProductImport to see the status of the latest import. To open the UI, login automatically and navigate to that page use the following coammdn (if lacy 😉): sf org open --target-org --path "/lightning/page/commerceProductImport"
  2. sf api request rest from the CLI
  3. a direct http request via eg cURL
    curl --location 'https://<scratch-org><jobId>' 
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>'

Example json esult when the job is finished:

  "cmsWorkspaceId": null,
  "commerceEntitlementPolicyId": "1Ce",
  "commerceEntitlementProductsCreated": 0,
  "contentVersionId": "068",
  "endTime": 1733300059673,
  "errorMessages": {},
  "jobId": "750",
  "numberError": 0,
  "numberSuccess": 2,
  "numberToProcess": 2,
  "numberWarning": 2,
  "pricebookAliasToIdMapping": {
    "sales": "01s"
  "pricebookEntriesCreated": 2,
  "pricebookEntriesUpdated": 2,
  "processTime": 3219,
  "productAttributeSetProductsCreated": 0,
  "productAttributesCreated": 0,
  "productAttributesUpdated": 0,
  "productCatalogId": "0ZS",
  "productCategoriesCreated": 0,
  "productCategoryProductsCreated": 0,
  "productMediaCreated": 0,
  "productMediaUpdated": 0,
  "productSellingModelCreated": 0,
  "productSellingModelOptionCreated": 0,
  "productsCreated": 0,
  "productsUpdated": 2,
  "sampleData": null,
  "slugsCreated": 0,
  "slugsUpdated": 0,
  "startTime": 1733300056454,
  "startedBy": "005",
  "status": "JobComplete",
  "warningMessages": {
    "2": [
      "Add a URL for Media STANDARD 2."
  "webstoreId": "0ZE"


Generate Password

📖 → Documentation

sf org generate password 
--target-org # scratch-org username

Get Limits

📖 → Documentation

sf org list limits
 --target-org # scratch-org username

Get Org Details


Exposes critical info like password and access-token

📖 → Documentation

sf org display 
-o # scratch-org username

Open Org Page

📖 → Documentation

sf org open 
--target-org # scratch-org username
--path "/lightning/setup/AsyncApiJobStatus/page?address=%2F750"