Clicky Game App

Online Example & Deployment:

This application was deployed to Heroku services. Here is the link:


This web application is a game where the user clicks on the images and get a score depending on the rules of the game.
When the application starts, it displays a message for the user with the instructions of the game as well as it displays a set of images. The main rule of the game is to click on the images one at a time and to make sure not to click on the same image twice. When user clicks on an image, the application shuffles the images so that it makes it difficult for the user to remember which image was clicked. Every time the user clicks on an image, the user scores a point. If the user clicks on the same image twice, the score resets to 0.

Web Tools:

React, JSX, HTML and CSS.

Table of Contents


To install necessary dependencies, run the following command:

npm install


    To start using this project: 

    1.  Install node modules: npm install
    2.  Run the following command to start the application: npm start
    3.  Enjoy..!



If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue or contact jaab30 directly at

GitHub license


app example