
A Draft.js workshop

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DraftJS Workshop


This application requires Node.js installed. Node.js can be downloaded at from https://nodejs.org/.

Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/jaaberg/draft-js-workshop.git

Install dependencies. (A one-time operation.)

npm install

Start the development server.

npm start


Task 0: Creating your first Draft.js editor


Create a Plain text editor with Draft.js.

You need an Editor component which has an onChange property that you should use to update the editors state. You also need to pass the editor an instance of EditorState (EditorState.createEmpty)

Task 1: Taking it a step further


Create a Rich text editor with Draft.js.

In this task, the editors handleKeyCommand property will be come in use. Also, the RichUtils.handleKeyCommand(), which holds information about the most basic key commands such as bold, italics and underscore will be needed.

You've been given the solution from the last task and a button to log the state to console if you are interested in how draft is storing the editors state.

Task 2: I want hashtags like Twitter


Create an editor that changes the color of hashtags.

We want to change the color of hashtags. For this task you need to pass a CompositeDeorator to the editorstate you are creating. The CompositeDecorator accepets a list of {decoratorComponent, strategy} objects. Draft.js is using the stragegy to search a given ContentBlock for ranges of text that matches the given strategy. The strategy could for instance be a regex. For the decorated ranges of text that you find with the strategy, you need to give a component, the DecoratorComponent. They tend to be spans, and is passed the range of decorated text as props.children.

Task 3: Oh, give me those nice Facebook mentions


Implement name suggestions when @ is typed.

This task is pretty similar to the previous one. This time, you are going to suggest names when we type @ in the editor. Use the NAMES list and match by startsWith() that is a default string method in JS. The decorator component is passed decoratedText via props.

Task 4: What if someone else did the dirty work?


Implement complete functional mentions with draft-js-plugins.

For this task, you will use the draft-js-plugins package to do the hard parts for you. This is a plugin-based editor where contributors have written complete plugins for you to use.


You find solutions under src/solutions/ in the project folder, and localhost:3000/solutions/<tasknumber> in your browser.