
Implementation of a maintainable icon system for React and React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demo Repository to setup an icon system that can be easily maintainable between React and React Native

This repository serves as example of this article: Building a Maintainable Icon System in React and React Native



Collection of icons used: Material Design.

Setup the project

In case you want to run the Android or iOS project you need to first setup the environment for both:

> git clone https://github.com/EmaSuriano/maintainable-icon-system-react.git
> cd maintainable-icon-system-react
> yarn


  • start-web: Run the web project using React in the browser.
  • build-web: Build the web project using React for the browser.
  • start-ios: Run the iOS project using React Native in the emulator.
  • start-android: Run the Android project using React Native in the emulator.
  • generate-icon: Generate the Icon Components given the icons inside the assets folder.
  • lint: Run eslint with the create-react-app config.


  • react: UI component library.
  • react-dom: to render in the browser.
  • react-native: UI mobile library.
  • styled-components: to style both web and native components.
  • react-scripts: provides the start command.
  • icon-font-generator: generate a font from the svg icons.
  • randomcolor: generate fancy colors for the icons 🦄.
  • eslint: linter for the whole project. The configuration is the default from create-react-app.
