I am making this document to better organize my head and all the projects I have floating in my head, this way I can actually finish one of them. Items are ordered in assumed priority.
List items are defined as follows:
- [ ] <Name> - <Description>[ - <OptionalTechnology1>, <OptionalTechnology2>]
High priority should only have ONE project at a time.
- Priority List - TODO list - React, [FireBase]
- no-name - Zoom clone - Python, React, TS
- LAO&MM - API - C#
- LAO&MM - Rewrite - Ruby -> Go
- Portfolio/Website - no-description - React, TS
- no-name - Regex engine - Scala
- no-name - diff API
- Lox - Finish lox language - C
- Kodikos - Finish - JS local storage
- Bandalee - API for translator app - Java, Spring
Not defined
- no-name - markup language - Scala
- no-name - no-description - Ruby On Rails