Looking for maintainers
jaakkos opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi Everybody!
First of all I want to thank all the contributors and users! :)
I have not been able to keep up with open issues, changes to Winston and I am not using it my self in production any more. So I feel that I not right guy to steer this project. I am looking right people to take over :)
If you are interested you can reply here or drop me email to jaakko@suutarla.com
What are you using in production now instead of winston/winston-logstash?
Thank you and
with best regards
So, does this currently have a maintainer? The "looking for maintainers" message is still on the readme, along with a todo: rewrite. This does not inspire confidence ;p 17K downloads on npmjs does, though. I guess I'll just try this out and see how it goes.
@jaakkos I second @strarsis question: what did you move on to? Did you find a better way to send logs to logstash, or are you no longer using logstash at all?
(an hour later) This appears to work fine, and it's small enough that it could be easily forked and updated if necessary. It's all good.
I've become a maintainer here now, so closing this until I rage quit node.js sometime in the future.