- 1
- 0
unsafe stringify and JSON circular structure
#89 opened by nitzan-blink - 0
- 8
winston-logstash will not reconnect with logstash when using --config.reload.automatic
#71 opened by hassan379 - 1
How can i add application_name to the payload ?
#79 opened by remihamy - 2
Winston didn't sent log to Logstash
#70 opened by alifsn - 22
- 3
Logging to multiple logstash instances
#31 opened by inteloid - 3
Test are broken in Travis with node 8 issue with error "Uncaught Error: socket hang up"
#49 opened by jaakkos - 2
- 6
Does node_name actually do anything?
#23 opened by robbiet480 - 0
- 0
How to change timestamp format.
#44 opened by iamvasim786 - 3
object appears in logstash as a string rather than being included as a json subobject
#15 opened by matanox - 1
- 3
winston.add() doesn't work?
#51 opened by AlvMF1 - 2
Restore connection when logstash is restarted
#33 opened by inteloid - 15
Cannot get to work with winston 3
#50 opened by tjma2001 - 4
Improvement: force close method
#34 opened by RNiveau - 1
Logs lost on ECONNRESET
#38 opened by mitchjmiller - 3
Looking for maintainers
#37 opened by jaakkos - 3
- 1
Trouble parsing json
#32 opened by mauron85 - 1
Logstash message format
#30 opened by dragn - 1
Tag releases with version info
#20 opened by davelnewton - 2
deprecated setting in recommended config
#14 opened by matanox - 1
Level support
#11 opened by 7h3kk1d - 1
logs streamed together
#13 opened by bvarga - 1
Send logs with SSL to a self-signed server
#16 opened by ghost974 - 1
Emit connection errors
#5 opened by cressie176 - 1
Can you publish in npm?
#10 opened by ifraixedes - 1
Related with #6 #7 #8 issues
#9 opened by ifraixedes - 3
winston-logstash + npm = <3
#1 opened by gwhitelaw