Module export has unpredictable signature based on Winston dependency
bra1n opened this issue · 0 comments
I've run into a rather peculiar problem: winston-logstash exports a module signature that depends on the implicit Winston module version. This is usually not a problem, but causes code to fail when there are multiple Winston dependencies in different packages. (with NPM 3.10.8)
Here's an example:
I have 2 NPM packages in my Node project that require different versions of Winston:
- oldPackage requires Winston 0.8.3
- newPackage requires Winston 2.3.0 and winston-logstash
When I run NPM Install, I'll end up with the following structure:
winston/ <-- 2.3.0
winston/ <-- 0.8.3
newPackage runs this code on initialization: new winston.transports.Logstash(logStashConfig);
This will throw an error: TypeError: winston.transports.Logstash is not a constructor
Debugging yields the following root cause: winston-logstash uses its own require("winston")
, which, due to the lenient package dependency and aforementioned structure, will cause Winston 0.8.3 to be loaded. For newPackage, on the other hand, the loaded Winston will be 2.3.0. This causes a compatibility clash, as winston-logstash suddenly has a different Winston engine than the newPackage code that I'm trying to use in my project, which subsequently fails.
My suggestion would be, to either release a new winston-logstash version with a more recent Winston pin, ensuring that the module signature / engine is always compatible, or to let me pass the Winston engine I'd like to use into winston-logstash. Either way, one of those solutions will be necessary to avoid any version conflicts of winston-logstash's too lenient dependency pinning.