Variational autoencoder implemented in tensorflow and pytorch (including inverse autoregressive flow)
- alxndrkalininBroad Institute of MIT and Harvard
- aminorexGedanken Laboratories
- aripakmanBen-Gurion University of the Negev
- arvieFrydenlundUniversity of Toronto
- BeyondSelves
- bshillingford
- chengshaozhe
- dawnsongberkeley
- denisfitz57
- fly51flyPRIS
- hushell
- idoPalo Alto, CA
- JonComoSelf Employed
- josemarcosrfSpain
- jstolMash
- kevinleestoneMeta AI - RL and LLMs #llama2
- LewuatheTreasure Data
- LiqunChen0606Duke University
- LukeB42Manchester, UK
- midinas
- mrdrozdovNew York, NY
- niangaotuantuanMicrosoft.com
- nirumBay Area, CA
- PhDPUniversité de Montréal
- policecarBerlin
- ricgao
- stevehuangheChicago, IL, USA
- tadeze
- tensortalkYou're on TensorTalk.com!
- vishalbelsare
- vitautMeta
- weibogit
- xuexue
- zbessingerZillow Group
- zjfBaidu, IDL
- zkailinzhang